Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Muratsid from ants

Muratsid from ants
Muratsid from ants

Ants in the garden are frequent guests. They not only loosen and fertilize the soil, but also bred aphids. Muratsid from garden ants can help in solving the problem. The tool is inexpensive and effectively fights insects from the first use.


The active substance of the drug is diazinon. It affects digestion ants and causes their death the next day after application. The advantages of poison Muratsid from ants include:

  1. Inexpensive price - 25 rubles per package.
  2. Low consumption. The solution is enough for processing up to twenty anthills.
  3. Short action time.
  4. High efficiency.

It is a toxic substance that does not affect the composition of the soil and plant growth. It does not need to be used often - a single treatment is enough to get rid of ants in the garden for a whole month.


There are five anthills in my garden. They were small, so I opened only one ampoule of Muratsid. The very next day, the pests completely disappeared. Two months later, a new settlement "grew" on the site. But I already knew that the fight against him would not be long and painful.

Lidia Ivanovna, Tambov

Poison can be used indoors and in apartments. To do this, acquire a dry substance, which is mixed with bait.

How to apply

Instructions for use states that one ampoule must be diluted in 10 liters of water. There are 3-4 drops of a chemical per liter.

On a note!

If there is a small ant settlement in the garden, then there is no need to use the whole preparation. The ampoule has a convenient dispenser with which you can measure the right amount of substance. The rest should be tightly closed and cleaned out of the reach of children and animals.

A nest of ants is watered with Muratsid. About one liter of solution should be used per average settlement. The poison envelops the house of pests and prevents them from creeping out. Upon contact with the active substance, insects die. The next day, all the anthill inhabitants will die out, including uterus and larvae.


If you want to kill the ants in the apartmentthen sugar is mixed with Muratsid and the composition is poured into the cracks. Ants eat poison along with sweet bait.

Reviews about Muratsid are positive, but success depends on the accuracy of following the instructions. If the colony of ants is impressive, then it is worth using 5 l of the prepared solution. Diluted preparation is not subject to storage.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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