Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to remove ants from the garden folk remedies

Ant families are found in every garden. In most cases, do no harm, but benefit: destroy small pests, improve soil quality. If a lot of anthills are formed, the presence of insects on the site threatens serious damage. The question is how to get rid of ants in the garden forever.

Who have to deal with

In the garden garden black ants - black, red color. Large representatives with a body length of 5 to 11 mm. Females are always larger than males. At the head of the family is the queen - uterus, which is engaged in the constant reproduction of offspring. She can live up to 28 years. Life expectancy of ants other professions are much shorter.

During the mating season, approximately in June, wings of young females and males grow. Flying ants rise in the air, mate on the fly. After that, the males die, the females look for a favorable place, lay their eggs.

After 2 weeks, immobile larvae appear in the form of white worms. They have no vision, are not able to feed themselves. The female grows out of them working individuals, which within a month turn into a chrysalis, go out full-fledged ants. Start construction right away anthill.

Over time, the number of individuals increases, responsibilities are distributed within the anthill, the life of ants in full swing. Warriors, scouts, and food handlers are selected outside; everyone else lives underground.


The anthill has many passages, exits, underground tunnels, mines, chambers, warehouses. Goes a few meters deep. In the latest cameras ants spend the winter. Continue activity with the onset of heat.

Adult individuals feed on plant juices, a secret that leaves aphids on tree leaves. This is the main reason why ants settle in the garden, in the garden. Larvae are fed protein food - small insects, caterpillars, and worms.

Methods of struggle

Ant fight methods
Ant fight methods

You can quickly remove ants from the garden only by destroying the nest. If you kill the uterus, the whole ant civilization collapses, there is no one to reproduce eggs, the family breaks up.

  1. You can fight ants in the garden mechanically, destroying the anthill with shovels, digging the ground deep. Insects will flee to more prosperous places for their existence, taking with them all food supplies, eggs, larvae. You can destroy the ants in the garden with boiled water and soap, filling the anthills. As well as a method of burning, sprinkling gasoline on the nests.
  2. The most effective methods of control are toxic substances. Remove pests from the garden boric acid, professional insecticide-based drugs. The best remedy for an ant family if a nest is not found, a gel bait.
  3. Plants, substances with a strong odor, vegetables, tinctures of herbs can drive insects from the garden.

On a note!

The struggle in the garden is conducted by folk remedies, professional drugs. If everything is left to chance, a fruitful year will not work. Garden ants gnaw branches of young plants, damage roots during the construction of moves. The remedy for ants in the garden is selected based on the complexity of the problem, the number of anthills on the site.

Review of Effective Shopping Tools

Shop Facilities
Shop Facilities

Before the beginning of active actions, it should be decided how to poison the pests. An effective product is sold in the store. The preparations contain a broad-spectrum insecticide, cause paralysis, death in insects. A fatal outcome occurs within a few days after the poison enters the stomach.


You can poison ants with any insect repellent containing poison. Suitable means for bullying Colorado beetles, if any, on the farm. Dissolve the composition in water, fill in the anthill. The death of all residents occurs within an hour.

Powders, granules

Poison for ants is available in the form of granules. For its action, it is necessary to sprinkle granules in the garden where insects are most harmful, a nest was discovered. An effective drug are:

Properties are retained for 20 days. The active ingredient is boric acid.


You can cope with ants with gel baits. Professional preparations contain an insecticidal substance. They are used indoors, outdoors. Do not lose properties within 2 weeks. Attract the attention of ants with flavorings, forced to eat food additives with great appetite.

Lay out the remedy for earthen ants into pieces of plastic, cardboard, sheets of plywood. Update as you eat, dry, after heavy rain. Helps in the fight against ants:

In parallel with ants, it is necessary to fight aphids, since it is she who attracts insects to the garden. Chemical aphids are:

  • BI-58;
  • Biotlin;
  • Bison;
  • Tanrek;
  • Alatar.


An effective way to fight is poison, it is not always advisable to apply. You should not use poison if you already need to harvest, or it is planned to harvest soon. Use safe means that can not cause harm to humans.

Folk recipes

Insect control plants
Insect control plants

Fight in the garden with red ants, black, red is conducted by identical methods, ways. During the long years of observation, it was noticed what ants don't likewhat smells do not tolerate.


Ants do not tolerate the smells of certain plants. It was noticed that pests disappear from the garden if the aroma of elderberry, peppermint, chamomile, calendula, tansy is present. Plants can be planted between the beds, or scatter branches on the land.


A home remedy for aphids and ants is wormwood. Sprigs of plants from pests are laid out throughout the garden, in the beds, near the anthill. Prepare a concentrated tincture:

  • Pour 3 liters of water 30 g of dry potion, 300 g of fresh flowers, insist day.
  • Put in a spray bottle, atomizer.
  • Soap is added immediately before use, a few drops of linseed oil. These components help active substances stay longer on plant leaves.

Especially black ants are afraid of such a remedy.


If you plant small beds of garlic throughout the garden, you can forever forget about ants. The smell repels very much. When arrows are formed on the winter plant, they are cut off and used as an effective remedy for pests. They are laid out around the garden, plants are tied.

From cloves of garlic prepare a concentrated tincture. Pour cold water, insist about 3 days. Pour into a spray bottle and bottle, spray garden crops, water the anthill.


From ants in the garden helps tincture of potato tops, tomatoes. Grind, pour cold water, insist for three days. Spray plants, water the anthills. Sprig branches of tomatoes around the garden. Especially do not like such a smell red ants.

Boric acid

The substance is part of many professional remedies for ants, causes paralysis, death. Valid for a week. With its help, poisonous bait. Mix with sugar, jam, honey. Poured into pieces of plywood, plastic, cardboard, laid out in the garden. Especially in those places where an accumulation of insects was noticed.

Boiling water

The fastest method for removing a pest colony. Pour the nests with a bucket of boiled water. After a while, the procedure will be repeated again until there are no living individuals.

Other recipes

Folk recipes from ants
Folk recipes from ants

In addition to the popular boric acid, there are many other effective folk remedies:

  • Croup. Able to drive ants out of the garden plot semolina, millet. It is unclear why the insects leave the land, if this cereal is scattered on it.
  • Fish. It is necessary to put the herring's head in the center of the anthill or in the place that needs to be protected from attack. In a matter of days, the ants leave their former place of residence.
  • Resin. Melt in a separate bowl, hot anthill is poured. Instead, you can use birch tar.
  • Ash. Wood ash sprinkled in the beds, on the anthill. The product irritates the skin of the legs and body, causing severe itching, causing it to run out of the area. It has the same effect. salt.
  • A solution is used on the beds vinegar, ammonia.

Any of these funds give a good result, if used in a timely manner, repeat the procedure several times during the formation of a new small anthill.

Closing events

Not a single remedy can guarantee that ants will not appear again next year in the garden. You should always remember about preventive measures.

  • Dig the soil twice a year - before sowing, after harvesting, periodically loosen the soil as the plants grow.
  • To plant flowers in the garden - calendula, chamomile, mint bushes, more garlic. Peppers ants also reluctantly start. Afraid of this smell.
  • Tomato tops should not be thrown away, laid out over the land.

Chemical preparations in the garden should be used in case of severe infection of the site, a threat to crop yields. In other cases, they use folk recipes, methods of exile. In the wild, insects bring many benefits.

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