Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Uterus of ants

Quite often, owners of houses and apartments complain that small ants appeared in their apartments. At first, a small number of insects come into view, but over time they become more and more. This indicates that a colony of domestic pests lives in the room, and attempts to find, catch and destroy them do not bring any result. The main reason for the rapid population increase is a prolific ant uterus or queen, which is not easy to get.

Biological excursion

Ants - a common and well adapted to the appropriate habitat species of insects. They are found at almost every step. Most of their varieties can be found on the street, where they feel comfortable in the gardens, in flowerbeds, in groves, forests and other places. They freely penetrate into a person’s home in search of food. Ants are social insects. Each individual living in anthill, has its own well-defined function, which strictly performs. In accordance with this hierarchical structure, the following representatives are present from the colony:

  • working ants that collect food, building material, search for new sources of food;
  • attendants caring for eggs and larvae;
  • the uterus of red ants is the main individual in the anthill, since the size of the colony, as well as its ability to survive, depend on it.

On a note!

Young females that have not passed through fertilization and have not formed their colonies have wings.

To understand how the uterus appears, you need to familiarize yourself with life features these representatives of the fauna. As soon as the pupae breed in the anthill, males and females begin mating season. As a result of this action, the uterus is stocked up with male sperm. She spends it throughout her life gradually.

The fertilized female ants do not return to their native colony. She seeks out a suitable place for herself, where she lays the first eggs from which the working individuals hatch. The future queen drops or nibbles unnecessary wings for additional nutrients. After this, the ants living in the colony devote their entire lives to the welfare of the queen. She is not involved in the search for food, the protection of the anthill, and garbage collection. The main work of the uterus is laying eggs in order to replenish new members of their family.

Females red ants do not always leave the native anthill. They continue to live with the rest of the uterus, as a result, in one colony they can number up to 200 pieces. A color photo of the queen of ants can serve as a visual aid to familiarize yourself with the insect.

Uterus of ants
Uterus of ants

Over time, the settlement can grow so much that small groups of insects, led by new uterus, begin to separate from it. But these "branches" continue to maintain contact with the mother ant hill. It is very difficult to destroy such a large family, since it is necessary to find all the colonies and kill the producer in each of them.

Description of the uterus and features of its existence

Outwardly, the queen looks different than other representatives of the colony.The length of her body reaches 4 - 4.5 mm, which is 2 times larger than that of her relatives. Its color palette is designed in dark brown tones. Thin red dressings are clearly visible on the abdomen in its back. In the photo, the uterus of domestic ants or as they are also called pharaonic, posted on the site, you can consider the features of the color and structure of the body of the insect.

Composition of ants in the colony
Composition of ants in the colony

The queen has a large abdomen of a rounded shape of a darker color, about 3-4 mm long. Its main purpose is to lay eggs. Due to the large size, the uterus is slow, less mobile, unlike other ants. It also differs in a well-developed thoracic region, its size significantly exceeds the dimensions of this part of the body of working individuals.

Many people want to get an answer to the question of how much the uterus of an ant lives. In the colony of domestic pests of this species, the queen has a privileged position. But when there are many queens in the anthill, individuals of the working type begin to treat them more scornfully. If the female begins to lay few or too many eggs, she can be destroyed and replaced with a new one.

The uterus lives about 15 years, which is 100 times longer than the duration of the existence of other representatives of the genus. During this time, she is able to lay up to 500 thousand eggs. The life expectancy of working ants is approximately 2 months. Male inseminators live for 7-10 days, after fulfilling their function they are destroyed by relatives.

It is rather difficult to answer the question unequivocally whether ants live without a uterus or not. If the queen dies, then her place immediately takes another, capable of breeding female, although in nature there are ant families that can live without the founder of the clan.

The composition of the ants in the colony is regulated by the uterus itself. To this end, she pollinates laid eggs with special pheromones that block the sexual development of insects. As a result, working ants appear from them. When the settlement becomes large and the ant uterus is not able to process the clutch with a special substance, the nest is filled with individuals capable of reproduction and the formation of new colonies.


All working ants in the family of domestic pests are females that cannot breed.

Insect Detection Issues

Anthill hierarchy
Anthill hierarchy

In order to permanently rid your home of unsolicited dangerous "guests" who are carriers of various infections, you need to find the queen of the colony. Therefore, the question immediately arises - how to find the uterus of ants. The difficulty lies in the fact that synanthropic insects carefully protect it, supply it with food and take care of it. Therefore, the uterus practically does not leave its den, which is located in remote and dark places. These may be:

  • cavities in the ceilings, under the tiles;
  • ventilation shafts;
  • channels for electrical wiring, socket outlets;
  • nooks in kitchens and bathrooms.

Work ants scurrying around the apartment in search of food can indicate the location of the nest. If you trace their movement, then sooner or later they will lead to their lair, in which they take the found prey. The holes in the walls through which the ants enter the apartment must be sealed with silicone sealant or polyurethane foam. Such sealing will cut off their way into the living room. However, in order to get rid of pests guaranteed, it is necessary to get directly to the nest and knowing what the uterus of ants looks like to destroy these individuals, no matter how many there are.


If you find a settlement of red synanthropes in the room and get rid of all the queens in it, the colony will leave the dangerous territory.

If it is not possible to get to the anthill, then the uterus can be poisoned by food into which the poison is added, or by special insecticidal agents. Choosing drugs for destruction, it is necessary to pay attention to the compounds with prolonged action, so that the working ants could deliver a "gift" to their queen.

The modern chemical industry has a large arsenal of means with which you can get rid of parasites, led by the uterus. Aerosols Dichlorvos, Raptor, Raid, Cobra and other insecticides are used to treat possible habitats and movement of ants. Gel formulations such as Trap, Raptor, Raid, Brownie, Triple strike. A great warrior contain a special bait that attracts parasites, they absorb it and die. Various powders and granules have the same effect. Using all these chemicals, you must remember about safety measures.

Having studied the features of behavior, as well as carefully considering how the uterus of ants looks in the photo, you must immediately take measures to expel parasites from the apartment.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Eugene

    Thank you for the timely and accessible information. I will advise a friend to read, otherwise she does not know what to do with these "pharaohs".

  2. Darina

    Please tell me how to get rid of ants. We need something safe, because the house is a small child.

    1. Nikolay

      In your case, you can use folk methods or try to find a nest and destroy the uterus. In this case, the ants will leave the house.

  3. Kirill

    We quickly got rid of the parasites - we invited the service. They processed the apartment and now there are no problems, however, we removed the gaps between the tiles in the bath.

  4. Dmitriy

    A few months ago I found red parasites in the bathtub and in the kitchen. At first I exterminated visible individuals, but when I realized that all my efforts were in vain, I decided to find a nest. I followed the goosebumps and found their habitat - in the kitchen behind the refrigerator I found a den. There were 4 uterus, destroyed all the inhabitants with a vacuum cleaner.

  5. Olga

    Ants periodically appear in the apartment, and I use the crayon, but this helps for a while, and then they appear again. Tell me an effective way to get rid of them forever.

    1. Sergei

      You need to find the nest of ants and destroy the uterus, otherwise nothing will help. If this is not possible, then try special gels. They are sold in household stores.

  6. Irina

    I got rid of ants with the help of ordinary Dichlorvos, since there was nothing else in the nearby store. And surprisingly brought everyone. For two years now there has been no parasite in the house. The main thing is to process all the cracks well, and then seal them with sealant.

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