Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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How to deal with ants on trees in a garden

How to get rid of ants on trees in the garden, you should think about it already in early spring. With the onset of heat, aphids appear on trees. It secretes a sweet substance, which attracts ants. Are acting these insects in tandem on mutually beneficial terms. Ants carry aphids on the best fruit trees, collect sweet matter after it. In a short time, the entire garden becomes infected. Ants do huge damage by their presence.

Barrier method

Protecting trees from ants and aphids consists in installing barriers at ground level.

  • It will take an old car tire. It is cut into 2 parts. They dig a moat under a tree, place a tire there, and fix it well with the ground. Water is poured inside. Ants do not know how to swim. A distance of 10 cm is irresistible for them. Fruit trees, fruits are protected from invasion.
  • You can get rid of ants and aphids with chalk. Sprinkle near a tree, coat the trunk. Chalk particles adhere to the legs of insects, depriving them of tenacity. Pests simply fall from the tree, are not able to get to the branches, damage young seedlings.
  • So that the ants do not climb the tree, they tie a foil in the form of a skirt around the trunk. Insects crawl hard on a slippery surface, not so flexible as to overcome the sharp edges of the foil. Pests fall to the ground.

You can save trees in simple ways if you take care of this in a timely manner.


Hunting belts
Hunting belts

When asked how to protect trees from ants and aphids, gardeners answer shortly - hunting belts. The method of struggle in gardening is to tie trunks at a height of 20 cm from the soil surface. The width of each belt is individual. On average - 20 cm.

  • The clothesline is generously lubricated with petroleum jelly. Tied in several turns with a solid line. Vaseline interferes with the movement of insects, absolutely does not harm the trees.
  • Ants and aphids in the garden are fought with a solid. Initially, the trunks are tied with plastic wrap. Solidol is spread on top. Periodically update the protective layer.
  • Tie a plastic wrap around the trunk. Coat it with tar birch tar.
  • Trees can be protected by duct tape or double-sided tape. Ants, aphids, and many other insects adhere to its base. You can use paper masking tape from flies.
  • You can fight ants on trees with a modern mouse trap. It is a glue for trees. A universal remedy used as glue from ants. The peculiarity lies in the composition, which does not lose its properties for a long time under the influence of the sun, rain. The remedy for ants is applied with a solid line in several passes. The slightest touch is enough for the insect to adhere tightly. The drug is sold in any hardware, specialized store.
  • Wet cotton wool in carbolic solution, tie around the trunk, you can use the method on the bushes. After 3 days, remove the protective agent, tie a new one. Over the summer, repeat the procedure three times.

On a note!

It is possible to fight ants on trees with any viscous substance that retains its properties for a long time and prevents the movement of pests.

Means for impregnation

Means of impregnation for trees
Means of impregnation for trees

If the question arises, how to treat trees from ants and aphids, you should pay attention to folk remedies, professional preparations.

  • Prepare a thick mixture of soot, saltflaxseed oil. Apply a dense layer to a width of 15 cm.
  • Coat the trunks with bleach. Concentration should not be strong. Because excessive amounts of lime harm plants.
  • Impregnation of a tree with garlic gives a very good result. Rub the bark with the arrows of garlic or with cloves until a persistent smell. Leftovers are left under the tree to enhance the effect. Seedlings are tied with arrows in the form of a belt.

Such products are not harmful to crops; they repel harmful insects with great force.

Trunk Processing

Processing insect trunks
Processing insect trunks

Trees should be sprayed several times during the entire warm season, using one of the options for effective means:

  • In 400 g of black soap add 100 ml of kerosene, 2 tbsp. tablespoons carbolic acid. Thoroughly mixed, diluted in 10 liters of water. The composition is watered anthillsspray garden crops. Birch tar is poured into the roots of the trees. Together, these products protect the garden from pests.
  • Pour 30 g of dry wormwood flowers, 300 g of fresh plants 10 l of water. Insist a day. Abundantly spray wood, branches. The tool saves from aphids, ants and many other garden pests.
  • Fighting on fruit trees with the help of soda protects against aphids, depriving the sense of ants to climb the crown. 30 g of linseed oil are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Soda is added in an amount of 5 g. Such folk methods of struggle give a quick result, do not harm the garden. Also soda is used to fight ants in the garden.
  • Garden ants do not tolerate Coca-Cola. Dissolve the drink in water in a ratio of 5: 1. A large proportion falls on Coca-Cola. Spray vegetation in the suburban area.

Fighting aphids is a necessary measure. If these insects disappear on the plants, the ants will also move to more favorable areas.

Professional traps

Professional traps
Professional traps

If folk remedies cannot defeat the colony of ants, poison should be used. Fighting on fruit trees is carried out with the help of:

A suitable product is sold in any hardware, specialized store in a tin can. Better to use before the fruit is fully ripened.

On a note!

Garden glue acts similarly, but the difference is the availability of insecticides. Particles of gel from the trunks of insects are able to carry with them to the anthill. They eat themselves, feed the larvae, uterus. Within two weeks, the entire ant family dies.

The trunks are coated with gel, the bait is placed on pieces of plywood, plastic. Validity of about 20 days. Mass death is observed within a month.

Plant Repellent

Ants don't like odors of some plants. They can be planted right in the garden, or periodically scattered around the garden area, tied in trees.

  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • elder;
  • peppermint;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • calendula.

You can prepare a saturated solution based on cinnamonspraying the garden.

A great effect is achieved in the fight against ants with a combination of folk, professional means. Insecticides are recommended for special cases. Pests can be driven out in many safe ways. If the location of the nest is known, pour boiling water, boric acidgasoline.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Alexander

    Different means help at different times. It all depends on the number of insects. The most important thing is to calculate the location of the anthill on the territory. These species build it in the ground with elevations from leaves, sticks. You can put a herring’s head on top and do nothing else.Ants with the whole family will disappear from the garden.

  2. Oleg

    I fill the anthills with boiling water. I put water tires around the trees. They protect not only from ants, but also other creeping pests. I coat the trunks with lime in early spring.

  3. Stas

    Belts help well. Moreover, any. You can use duct tape, oilcloth, foil.

    1. Vitaliy

      I buy professional garden glue and do nothing else. It helps a lot. Why invent something.

  4. Anna

    In the garden, I grow calendula bushes, peppermint, chamomile. I spray trees from aphids with a solution of soda.

  5. Natalya

    I rub the trees with garlic. I tie the trunks of young trees with arrows. And last year, I broke a garden bed in a garden plot. The smell expels almost all pests. Safe tool with excellent effect and no pain.

  6. Denis

    I tie the trunks with oilcloth, apply resin. Or soak the clothesline with tar birch tar. I update the protection periodically. Oilcloth is on the tree all season.

  7. Kseniya

    As a child, she wondered why in early spring all trees are coated with lime. It turns out, not for beauty. Now I smear the trees themselves from ants.

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