Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Mousetrap Cage

Humane mousetrap involves catching rodents without harming them. Finished designs are commercially available in the form of a cage, a house, a box. You can build a simple do-it-yourself mousetrap.

From plastic bottles

If the question arises, how to catch a mouse without killing it, you can use a plastic bottle. There are many options for making a mousetrap. The simplest of them are:

  • Cut off the neck of the bottle. Lubricate the walls with vegetable oil. Put a fragrant bait. Turn over the cut part, insert into the bottle. It turns out a kind of watering can. Secure with tape. Put the mousetrap on the steps, under the shelf, dig into the ground. The mouse climbs the smell of bait, falls into a trap.
  • Prepare a small board. Make an arc of wire to secure the bottle in the middle. They are placed in an upright position, the neck is slightly lifted. First, vegetable oil is poured into the bottle, the bait is placed. When the mouse enters the mousetrap, it makes its way to the bait, the bottle flips over. The rodent cannot get out.
  • In the bottle, cut the bottom, neck. Lubricate the cylinder with vegetable oil. Pass the wand, place it over the bucket. Put the bait in the center. The mouse creeps onto the moving part of the mousetrap, loses its balance, the stick along with the entire structure falls into a bucket.
Mousetrap Cage
Mousetrap Cage

In a makeshift mousetrap very quickly caught house mice. It remains to solve the question of what to do with the caught mouse.

Cell-shaped mousetrap

Mousetrap cell is sold ready-made, you can do it yourself.

  • A small cell rectangle is being constructed.
  • The edges are fixed with wire.
  • On the one hand they make a door that opens from top to bottom on a spring.
  • Thread the thread through the door along the cell wall along the top.
  • At the tip make a hook for bait.

When the mouse tries to remove the bait, the hook breaks, the door closes. The villain is in a mousetrap.

Mousetrap house

One of the most effective designs, which allows you to catch several individuals at once.

  • A box is made of wood without a top.
  • On opposite sides of the box are attached with the help of hinges a piece of wood - a bridge. The bridge is fixed from one edge, and freely adheres to the other half from the other.
  • The roof is prepared like a real house. Attach the bait from above, make a window on the side.
Humane mousetraps
Humane mousetraps

The principle of operation of traps that do not kill mice is very simple. The rodent creeps into the window, is on the bridge. Approaching the center. Since it is there that you can get food. Under the weight of the rodent, the bridge overturns, immediately returns to its original position. The mouse is in the box, but not visible to others. The next rodent passes along the bridge, and after it another one.

How to be with a rodent caught

A humane mousetrap is constructed in a few minutes, effectively catches rodents. The question remains what to do with the caught prey. If you destroy rodents with sticks on the head, bricks, heavy objects, humanity loses its meaning. It is better to use mouse traps that instantly kill, depriving the person of unnecessary problems. It would be more humane to immediately commit a murder than to catch, then torment.

  • You can feed mice to cats. And to give out portionwise. Cats willingly eat micewill remain full, satisfied.If there is a pet store nearby, you can offer rodents to them.
  • If you want the little mouse to remain alive, unharmed - take it away from the house in the field, release it there.
  • Give the caught mice quick-acting poison. They will die immediately, without much torment.

The fate of the rodent in the hands of man. What to do - to kill or have mercy, the decision is individual. If a trap is constructed humane, then further actions should be such. If get rid of mice in the apartment or private house failed, you can apply ultrasonic repellers, grass from mice other folk remedies for rodents.

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