Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Description and photo of the caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly

A swallowtail caterpillar is no less attractive and unusual than its butterfly. They are ubiquitous and completely harmless to humans. You can meet family members in Russia, Belarus, many regions of Europe, as well as Asia, Africa and America.

Track development

The mating season at the Machaons falls at the end of spring. But, given the wide habitat, this period can shift in any direction, which is explained by the different climatic conditions of the habitats. The first generation of caterpillars appears in May-June, and the second from August to September. General developmental time from egg to imago takes about 2 months.

A week after laying from very small yellow eggs, small caterpillars are born. Swallowtail larvae are among those types of caterpillarsthat change color during development. The first few days are just black individuals, on the body of which there are white and red spots. But after 3-4 days, black stripes are already visible on them and an orange color appears.

The matured individual is green with transverse stripes. Each strip has a black oblong spot and several small orange blotches.

On a note!

Pupae of the first generation will become an adult in 15-20 days, and the second will winter. Their transformation period is several months.


Swallowtail caterpillar
Swallowtail caterpillar

The caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly is very gluttonous and begins to feed immediately after birth. She needs to collect a large amount of nutrients, which in the future will give strength to turn into a beautiful adult butterfly.

On a note!

Favorite food caterpillars Swallowtail are representatives of the family Umbrella. Individuals eat dill, fennel, parsley, carrots, angelica, cumin, buten and hogweed. But if none of the above is found nearby, they will feed on wormwood, ash and alder. Insect appetite noticeably decreases immediately before pupation.

Pupa color may also vary depending on habitat and climatic conditions. Most often found greenish or yellowish with a pattern in a shallow black dot. But sometimes you can see dark brown and even brown dolls

Track Protection Methods

These cute insects have a fairly large number of natural enemies. The situation is complicated by the fact that less than a century ago, people considered the Machians to be dangerous pests and tried their best to exterminate them. As a result, populations markedly decreased.


The massive intentional destruction of representatives of the Machaon family has led to the fact that this species was listed in the Red Book.

This butterfly larva does not apply to poison caterpillarsHer method of defense is scaring. In case of danger, the swallowtail caterpillar pushes the special gland forward. It is located behind the front of the head and looks very similar to small red horns. These horns are called osmetria. In the photo of the swallowtail caterpillar, you can clearly determine that it is preparing to repulse the attack and has taken a warring position.

Swallowtail caterpillar
Swallowtail caterpillar

The front of the body rises and a bright orange-yellow liquid with a sharp specific smell is released from the osmetry. It is he who is called to repel enemies and provide protection to individuals.Adult gland butterflies do not use and flee.

Growing at home

The development of trade has allowed even the sale of eggs and dolls of Machaon. In the online store you can buy the right amount of eggs and try to grow adults from them.

  1. To do this, you need to equip a small container, a plastic bottle is also suitable.
  2. Foam litter is laid as a basis and feed is laid out.
  3. Lay eggs on plants. In a few days, caterpillars will appear from them. It is important to ensure that they have enough food.

Subject to the indicated recommendations, individuals will quickly mature and change their color. After this, you need to prepare a place for pupation. For this, the pupae need a rough surface. Only on it can they securely gain a foothold.

Do not let the dolls attach to the smooth walls of the container. They may not be able to support their own weight and fall. If during this time the butterfly does not have time to open its wings, it can be seriously damaged and die.

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