Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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How to deal with wasps in the house

How to get rid of wasps, there are many ways, methods. They reduce the number of insects or completely destroy nests. Methods, methods of struggle differ from the location of the aspen family - on the street, outbuildings, garages, a house, in the yard or in the garden. Whatever method is used, one must always remember the safety of one's environment.

How to deal with wasps in an open area

If pests are wound up in the garden, in the garden, in the flowerbed, summer cottagecan use folk remedies, chemicals.

  • Fighting wasps very quickly and quite simply with fire. In the evening, when all members of society are assembled, they carefully creep up to the nest, pour it with combustible material, and quickly set it on fire. To water nest can be gasoline, kerosene, engine oil. If you do not want to destroy the wasps, but you need to drive them out, they pour the nest over, leave it as it is. An unpleasant odor will cause insects to look for another place, away from the unfavorable.
  • Get rid of wasps and their nests. The traditional, effective method. If the nest is located in the soil, pour a bucket of boiled water with soap there. No one has a chance to survive. If the hive is located on a tree, you need to carefully get to it, immerse in a bucket of water. The effect is the same from cold, hot. The entrance to the hive is located below, therefore, by blocking the exit with water, insects are doomed.
  • Bonfire. If the hornet family settled in the garden, you can smoke wasps with smoke. To do this, use special spirals or make a bonfire. A spiral is pressed wood impregnated with an insecticidal substance. In the process of burning, caustic smoke is released, which not only repels wasps, but also poisons. Bonfire made of grass, logs only acts as a deterrent. Many companies produce spirals - Raptor, Clean House, Taiga, Off, etc. Often, the method is used if wasps are found on raspberries, grapes.
  • You can poison the wasps with a poison bait or with an insecticide solution that is used to water the nest. Near the aspen house there is a poison-soaked treat - jam, honey, sugar, cookies, meat, syrup. The tool acts by contact, by food. Destroy the family from the inside. Worth poisoning uterusas the swarm of wasps decay. Often boric acid is mixed into the bait. The product has no smell, long retains properties in the open air. They fall asleep in the nest, make paths close, add to the bait. An effective remedy Chops off wasps is made in the form of granules.
Ready bait Chops against wasps
Ready bait Chops against wasps

On a note!

It should be remembered that wasps leave the nest in late summer. Workers, old uterus die, young fertilized females winter in wood. In the spring, the uterus is looking for a place for the future hive, it may return to the old nest. To prevent this from happening, you need to dig out an empty nest, destroy it. Or it is good to fill up with the earth.

Indoor Pest Management

In addition to the land, insects can directly settle in wooden buildings, structures, individual structures. Often a hornet's nest forms on the balcony, attic, on the roof, in the wall of a wooden house, on the window, under the floor.To get rid of wasps in the house, they use folk remedies, traps, professional insecticides.

  • If wasps eat a wooden house, but live in close proximity, a sharp smell or poison will help to repel them. The walls are treated with a concentrated solution of vinegar - a glass of water on a bucket of water, a solution of boric acid. Or, to remove pests, they impregnate the walls in a wooden house with an insecticidal solution if the wasps gnaw the log house, its other sections. Apply the product using a household spray bottle and a spray bottle. Vinegar against wasps is not as effective, but safe for the environment.
  • If wasps are found in the attic, they can be etched with poisonous bait. Use odorless insecticides - dusts of different manufacturers, Lambda Zone, Get. Poison is added to honey, jam, syrup, sugar, pieces of fruit, meat. The same method is used if the nest is placed in an inaccessible place - under the floor, in the wall, high on the roof. Allows etching gradually.
  • You can remove wasps from under the roof of the house with a bucket of water. Gently make their way to the hanging cocoon, immerse in water. After 20 minutes, simply remove the hive with wasps, destroy.
  • You can remove wasps from the wall of the house by the smell of essential oils. They impregnate the walls, pour the solution into the cracks with a syringe. Use lavender, lemon balm, mint, rosemary, lemongrass. As well as decoctions of garlic, tansy, wormwood. The same method is used if pests have settled under the skin of the house. Means will drive out while the smell works.
  • If a nest is found under the slate, if the wasps settled in the garage, use foam. Fill the entrance, completely the entire cocoon. Foam is used indoors if pests live in cracks. Insects will begin to die from such a tool instantly.
  • An ordinary vacuum cleaner will help in the barn, under the roof of the house, on the balcony from wasps and bees. They direct the tube into the socket, turn it on at full power. After 15 minutes of exposure, turn off the device. Carefully take out the bag with insects, immerse it in water, where the pests begin to die. The nest is removed, destroyed in any convenient way.
  • In the bathhouse, wild wasps can be driven away by insecticidal spirals, special checkers. The checker is placed on a non-combustible surface, set on fire. Caustic smoke penetrates into any cracks, kills pests within an hour. It remains to act on the surface for up to 14 days. Maximum properties are stored for the first 2 hours, do not allow to re-start for about a month.
  • Means of controlling wasps in the room are not complete without traps. The easiest option is a plastic bottle. Cut off the neck, turn over, fix. Inside the bait is poured. Dozens of pests gather in such a trap per day.
  • To drive away wasps in the yard, garage, any land, set fire to rubber. It smolders for a long time, it smells unpleasant, does not allow it to fly to the site, to continue life activity. Pests will fly away from the nest in a couple of hours. Repeat the procedure the next day.
Traditional recipes for fighting wasps
Traditional recipes for fighting wasps

On a note!

Kill or drive wasp in room You can use an ordinary fly clapper or a towel. But it is better to cover it with a glass, press it against the wall, window, then let it out onto the street. If wasps in the apartment appear too often to be drained, you need to hide the food supplies that attract them, hang a mosquito net on the window. Wasps love grapes, causing significant damage to the owners of cottages and household plots. There are different ways in which you can protect grapes during its ripening. Some summer residents purchase special bags.

Chemical methods of control

It is possible to poison wasps at home with any insecticidal means, but if the bait is being prepared, it should be odorless so as not to scare off pests in advance.

Folk remedies include boric acid, which smells nothing, acts like insecticides, helps to lime, expel, and exterminate pests.It disrupts the nervous system, provokes paralysis, death. But insects begin to die after the agent enters the digestive tract. Ways to combat professional insecticides provide a detrimental effect even upon contact with poison.

Treatment of wasps with a toxic agent must be carried out in a safe manner. Work should be done with a respirator, rubber gloves, a suit, glasses, if you have to spray high walls, a ceiling, a nest on a tree. The solution is prepared immediately before use. The maximum property of this method of disposal is 2 days, the remaining - from 14 days to 6 months. Microencapsulated preparations of the new generation, Tetrix, Executioner, Sinuzan, protect the treated surface for the longest time.

Chemicals for wasp control
Chemicals for wasp control

Lure the wasps from the table will help the lures located on the window. Mix with honey, sugar, jam, juice, lemonade, honey. The poison begins to act in a few minutes.

On a note!

Ready-made gel baits are also used, with which manufacturers offer to poison the ants in the house, in an open area. The gel does not dry for a long time, leaves no residue on the surface. You can process the walls, floor, apply on any basis. Effective remedies Great Warrior, Fas. In the open, granular baits are also used, which are simply scattered around the site. From wasps, Chops, Super Fas, Deadly Force.

Insecticidal checkers are used indoors, outdoors. The action begins with smoke. Insecticides paralyze insects, kill in a few minutes. Properties are preserved indoors for up to 30 days, in the open air for about 14 days. The main advantage of the method is that the agent penetrates into a wide variety of gaps, it can be used if the hornet family is located under the floor, in the wall. Effective remedies - Quiet evening, aquafumigator for premise Raptor. Spirals act similarly, but they must be installed in close proximity to the nest in order to deter new pests and poison existing ones. Weathered very quickly.

Anti Wasps
Anti Wasps

Smell against wasps

Insects are sensitive to odors, sharp, persistent scare them away. Therefore you need to know what to fear wasp. Depending on where this scaring method will be used, decoctions of plants, essential oils or substances with a sharp aroma are used.

  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Melissa;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • lemongrass;
  • citrus;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • machine oil;
  • kerosene;
  • petrol;
  • herring;
  • burned rubber.
  • smoke.

Maximum efficiency at destruction of wasps achieved by combining several methods, methods. It is advisable to combine deterrence and poisoning. To radically destroy the hive with water, fire, there is an opportunity only in an open area, in an accessible place. Sometimes such methods control applied in the apiary.

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