Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

At what temperature do cockroaches die

Alternative means of extermination of cockroaches without the use of chemistry include “freezing” and scalding of pests with boiling water. Cockroaches die at temperatures below -1 and above +50 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is not necessary to warm water to boiling water. But there are some nuances that must be taken into account during the war against parasites.

Comfortable temperature range

For all species of cockroach squad the most favorable temperature range is +20 - 30 ° С. Within this segment, the higher the temperature, the faster the development of new generations.

Critical values

Cockroaches live at a temperature of 0 - 15 ° C, but cease multiply.

  • At -1 ° C, the Prussians freeze after 30 minutes, at -5 - after 2 minutes.
  • Black cockroaches withstand lower values. The minimum survival temperature for these parasites is from -5 ° C or lower. Practice has shown that a black domestic cockroach in the frost below 5 degrees stirred for half an hour. Lying right in the snow.
Low temperatures and cockroaches
Low temperatures

The upper limit at which cockroaches die is very dangerous for humans. And the “necessary” temperature in nature occurs only in the Sahara desert. But a lower temperature can cause pests trouble. For tropical species, + 30 ° C is the norm. But not for home cockroaches. Already at + 28 ° C, the pest begins to secrete a lot of liquid to cool the body. The higher the temperature, the more water the insect needs.


In a humid place prusak can withstand a temperature increase of up to +50 degrees, but in the dry it will die earlier from dehydration. But the timing of death here is difficult to determine, since they depend on air humidity and the amount of water in the body of the insect.

The main popular way of fighting is the destruction of parasites with the help of cold.


The main method of combating these insects, since all types of cockroach squad are residents of warm areas and are afraid of the cold. But here there are some nuances: the eggsenclosed in a safety chamber tolerate cold much better than cockroaches themselves and their larvae. Even in the case of the death of all hatched nymphs and imago, the population may revive again if eggs are preserved.

Freezing cockroaches

The “natural” way is to freeze cockroaches only in winter. But there is a drawback: during the summer, parasites have time to breed in incredible quantities, and when freezing, not all individuals die and the cycle starts anew.

But there is the option of freezing in the summer. The method is environmentally friendly, but very expensive.

Dry ice

It is chilled carbon dioxide. Almost forgotten today is the way to keep food in the cold. From solid to gaseous form, СО₂ passes at a temperature of -78.5 ° С, bypassing the liquid stage.

Dry ice in the fight against cockroaches
Dry ice

With a sufficient amount of dry ice in the room, the air temperature drops below 10 degrees of cold. With such a frost, cockroaches and their eggs are guaranteed to die.

After gas evaporation in a closed room, it will be enough to open the windows for ventilation. No harmful substances will remain on furniture and food.

Disadvantage: the minimum price for dry ice is 50 rubles / kg.


If cockroaches and frost are compatible at least partially, then any pests and boiling water are complete antagonists.An old marine way to get rid of the dominance of black cockroaches: open the locker, splash boiling water on a living carpet, rake dead insects. When boiling water comes, the pests die instantly. But those who did not get boiling water remain alive.

Scalding cockroaches

In an apartment, this method cannot be applied. The sanitary service uses steaming with an insecticide - hot fog method.

Steam with a temperature above + 60 ° С is pumped into the room by a special generator. But not steam is the main striking factor. Water dust only facilitates the penetration of insecticide into the smallest slots. While the steam spreads around the apartment, it manages to cool. Venom acts on adults and nymphs, but cockroach eggs die only at high temperatures. The ootek protects them from the effects of poison.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    Back in Soviet times, we tried to freeze cockroaches. Either they had their own heater, or they went to the neighbors, but the next day after "freezing" all the cockroaches ran around the apartment, as if nothing had happened. Of the insecticides, then only Dichlorvos was. Did not help. But they didn’t even hear about “steaming”. I think it would not help.

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