Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

White cockroaches in the apartment

White cockroaches in the apartment
White cockroaches

A white cockroach is available in all apartments where insects live, but rarely come across to a person's eyes. The seen "being" of the house causes bewilderment, fear, an ambiguous reaction. Concerning the appearance of white cockroaches in the apartment, there are implausible versions, but the answer is very simple. Scientists have given a definite answer, which calmed mankind. A white cockroach is a larva that has recently been born, or a nymph after molting. Pests after birth go through several stages of growing up, gradually increase in size, discard the old shell, acquire another. A photo of a white cockroach is presented below.

The appearance of a cockroach during molting

Individuals are born from eggsthat develop in the ooteca. Body larvae elongated, oval, white. Chitin cover is extremely vulnerable, soft. Under the influence of sunlight, the temperature hardens within a few minutes or hours, acquires a characteristic dark red or black color, depending on the type home cockroach.

Larvae begin to actively feed, increase in size. The shell becomes "small", insects dump it. The first molt of a cockroach occurs. After reincarnation, the larva turns into a nymph. It differs from adults only in body size, darker color and lack of wings.

The growing process lasts 60 days. During this time, nymphs molt up to 5 times. After the next drop of the shell, the chitinous cover again becomes light, almost white, vulnerable. A transparent cockroach is active and very voracious, so it can be found near food sources along with ordinary relatives.

White cockroach with wings - nymph at the last stage of growing up. Then the ability to mating, insects turn into a mature individual. After this, the molting process is terminated. Color stably remains reddish-brown, but brightens over time - it fades.

On a note!

Since insects are activated only after dark, a strange creature can be noticed only by those who suddenly turn on the lights in the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet.

Molt marks

White small cockroaches molt very quickly, but spend the first week of their lives in a secluded place. Creep out onto the surface after turning into a nymph. In the future, molting occurs anywhere, so you can detect the skin, but it will not be dark in color. White shade is present only on the new cover, which quickly acquires a characteristic color.

Denial of popular incorrect versions

In this case, the statement is true - “Fear has big eyes!” There are several versions regarding who these white cockroaches are.

  • Albino. In nature, there is such a phenomenon when an individual of white color with red eyes is born. This happens due to genetic malfunctions if the important gene responsible for color is missing. A similar phenomenon is observed in animals, birds, but does not occur in arthropods. Scientists have disproved the version that the white insect is an albino cockroach.
  • Mutant. Mutations occur periodically, but this happens under certain circumstances, when several species are mixed. Within the same apartment cannot live together several cockroach speciestherefore this version is excluded.
  • Special view. Cockroaches were born earlier than dinosaurs. During this time, they apparently have not changed. To cause such global transformations, the apartment must have abnormal conditions, from which a person will suffer faster.
  • Unfavourable conditions. Another suggestion that a large white cockroach appears as a result of insufficient lighting is refuted. Pests live in darkness, darkness, therefore, do not particularly need light. In an apartment, the conditions are the same for everyone, so some cannot be red, others discolored.

Prusaki become light, even white with frequent use of chlorine-based products. They look strange not only externally, but also differ in behavior. Under the strong influence of chlorine, the destruction of internal organs occurs, pests weaken, die. Movable white insects are a molting cockroach that will soon become common.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    When I saw a bunch of white cockroaches in the apartment, I was dumbfounded. I immediately thought that these were mutants, on which poison acts in this way. The funds that I used do not completely kill them, but make them sick, mutate. Immediately in my head the thought - what now poison them? Then she read on the Internet that these were molting nymphs, calmed down, went for the next batch of poison. Scared decently.

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