Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What little cockroaches look like

Little cockroaches
Little cockroaches

When you turn on the lights at night in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you may encounter an unpleasant picture: many Prussians scatter in different directions. Among them there are small cockroaches. These are not representatives of another species of cockroach, but the younger generation. Transition stage between the egg and an adult called a nymph.

Appearance and lifestyle of a nymph

Small cockroaches look like smaller copies of adults. Nymphs are born white soft-bodied insects. Their body darkens after a few hours and the first chitinous layer appears. Cubs have a lighter color than their parents. The nymphs of the Prusaks have two dark stripes on their backs. Kids black cockroach have a plain brown color. Wings the younger generation does not, they appear only in adults.

On a note!

Little black cockroaches do not yet have the vitality that their parents. At this stage, they are easier to exterminate with insecticides.

In the photo of small cockroaches, you can see that their bodies are slightly expanding behind. The antennae are much shorter than the adults, but in terms of speed of movement they are not inferior to them. Eat they are the same as adults. Small cockroaches lead a hidden lifestyle, so as not to catch the eye of a person.

Within a few months, the larvae grow and develop. Over the entire period, they have several links, during which they drop their shell from chitin and acquire new ones.

Insect developmental stages

Prusaki and their black congeners are very different from each other in appearance. Black insects are much larger than red ones. Their larvae also exceed the size of the young Prussians. The female insect lays its eggs in a special chitinous shell - the ooteca. In a black female cockroach, up to 20 larvae are formed in one clutch. Life cycle big barbel consists of several stages:

  • the ootek is located for about 1.5 months in a warm secluded place, after which nymphs appear from it;
  • the larva forms within 7-8 months, dropping the chitinous membrane and fouling with a new one;
  • imago capable of breeding and for his life up to 5 years, he can postpone more than 20 ootec.

The red cockroach representatives develop in a similar way, but the duration of their cycles is shorter:

  • the ooteca left by the female, already after 2 weeks, releases from 25 to 40 small cockroaches;
  • the larval stage lasts 2 to 4 months;
  • On average, an adult lives a short life for a period of 1 year, during which he manages to give offspring about 10 times.

If we compare the two most common types of pests, then in redheads the speed of development of the body exceeds their counterparts. Therefore, they have more chances to survive in adverse situations. Small and nimble Prussians oust their larger rivals from the territory, fleeing them or completely destroying the entire colony.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Semen

    It’s scary to imagine how many cockroaches a female cockroach can produce in her life. Their fertility is top notch!

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