Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What do cockroaches eat in an apartment

Cockroach food
Cockroach food

Cockroaches eat almost everything in a row: the remains of human food, organics, plants. Knowledge of the diet of parasites, which differs depending on the type of insect, habitat, will help get rid of pests faster, depriving them of the opportunity to eat and live comfortably in the apartment.

Differences in the diet of cockroaches in nature and in the house

Cockroaches are among the most unpretentious pests that are able to live without food for a long time. Scientists classify such insects into 4 thousand species, of which almost 30 are able to live in apartments and houses, next to people. The diet of all types depends on the environment and living conditions.

Dwelling in nature types of cockroaches originally lived on the African continent, but over time they began to get to other parts of the planet with transport, which gave impetus to the worldwide distribution of these insects, that is, they are cosmopolitan.

In their homeland, they live in litter and topsoil, preferring places with high humidity, and madagascar view - on tree branches. Their activity falls on the night period. In nature, cockroaches feed on animals and plant debris, and their favorite food is fresh fruits and vegetables.


Recently, American, forest, Turkmen, marble and the Madagascar species of these insects have gained popularity among lovers who contain and breed them in terrariums as food for their pets (snakes, lizards, etc.). The diet of feed cockroaches consists of carrots, herbs, vegetables, cereals, dried daphnia, cat and fish food.

In territories located in colder climatic zones (especially when frosts occur in winter), cockroaches choose heated human housing and nearby premises - sewers, ventilation shafts, cellars for comfortable living. Parasites living in houses and apartments prefer warm and humid habitats, where you can always find food.

The most common home species include red-haired prussians and black cockroaches. These insects are omnivores and are ready to eat everything in a row, however, they go out in search of prey mainly at night. During the day they hide in secluded corners and crevices, and at night their shelters leave in search of food.

Cockroach ration in the apartment

According to scientists, the female is most able to eat food - up to 50 mg of food per day, while males eat half as much. Both the Prussians and the black parasites at home eat only stationary food, and they choose foods with the maximum amount of protein and carbohydrates. They love to eat and prefer sweet, fatty foods, as well as starch and butter.

The main foods that home cockroaches eat are:

  • dry cereals and cereals;
  • bread and other crumbs that remain after a human meal is a favorite treat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • bakery products and pastries;
  • meat products;
  • they like fat left on the surface of dishes or a table, and even drink beer.

However, with a lack of food, cockroaches in the apartment eat and not quite edible objects, which include:

  • soap;
  • wallpaper and book glue (on book covers);
  • paper;
  • leather products (shoes, clothes);
  • synthetic fabrics (nylon or nylon);
  • household organic glue;
  • skin and dandruff that falls from a person’s head;
  • starch on clothes.

In the absence of food they even eat seedlings or green parts of ornamental plants. Scientists explain such a varied diet cockroach structure: the device of the digestive system of the insect and its structure oral apparatus. The stomach of the parasite consists of a solid plate and is surrounded by strong muscles, so a cockroach can eat and digest any, even solid, food.

What do not eat cockroaches

However, parasites do not use substances that have a strong smell. These include washing powder, vinegar, essential oils, red and black pepper, etc.


In folk medicine, there are many recipes with the use of cockroaches, which are used for medicinal purposes. For example, the consumption of fried insects with garlic has long been used to normalize digestion, and tea with dropsy was treated with brewed tea from dried cockroaches.

Knowing what kind of food cockroaches love and what they prefer when choosing food, you can understand how you can get away from them fast get rid - completely eliminate the possibility of access to food and water, remove food waste.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    I learned a lot of interesting things from the article. Such information can help in the fight against parasites in your own apartment. Knowing what they eat and don’t like, you can understand their lifestyle and block the possibility of their comfortable existence in the apartment.

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