Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to permanently remove cockroaches from an apartment or house

There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches. For the successful release of an apartment, a house from insects, an integrated approach is needed. They create adverse conditions for the existence of cockroaches, eliminate the path of penetration, use insecticidal drugs, folk remedies. They get rid of the Prussians on their own or attract specialists.

Creating an adverse environment

From the appearance black cockroaches, prusakov, stasikov, barbel not a single room is insured. More often home cockroaches live in high-rise buildings, dorm rooms, apartments.

For the normal functioning of cockroaches requires:

  • The temperature is between +20 - +30 degrees Celsius. With a decrease in temperature up to +10 degrees the Prussians do not die, but slows down breeding process. With excessive dryness of the air, the body of the cockroach loses moisture, insects die from dehydration.
  • Free access to food. Big red cockroaches, black Prusaks and their little ones larvae are omnivores. Prefer the remains of human food, slop, garbage, but calmly can eat Wallpaper glue, toilet paper, napkins, leather bindings, books and much more.
  • The presence of moisture sources. Cockroaches live without water for 9 days. Faulty taps, tanks, condensate on walls, pipes, wet washbasins, sinks contribute to the settlement of pests. You can drive cockroaches out of the apartment very quickly if you eliminate the errors in the sewers, pipelines, repair taps, ventilate the bathroom after water procedures, and wipe the sinks dry.


Pest removal begins with cleaning the house. This is the basic rule that helps lime the Prusaks, prevents their appearance.

Elimination of penetration routes

Cockroaches in a private house appear much less often than in high-rise buildings. This is due to the presence of basements directly under the apartments, grocery stores, which do not always adhere to sanitary standards, garbage bins, garbage chutes in the entrance. The nursery of stasiks in multi-storey buildings may be the apartment of an unscrupulous neighbor who lives in unsanitary conditions, does nothing to overcome the problem.

Cockroach Prevention

Prussians climb into the apartment through cracks in the wall, floor, doorways, ventilation shafts, pipelines, electrical wiring. To prevent the penetration of cockroaches, to rid your home of infection, you need to eliminate all loopholes. Close up the cracks, put mosquito net on ventilation grilles, eliminate the presence of gaps in the doorways.

On a note!

In a wooden house, private estates, insects appear along with products, household appliances that a person brings into the room.

The use of special tools

Chemistry will help cockroaches survive. The preparations contain a wide spectrum of insecticidal substances. Insects enter the body through contact, food. Modern drugs are available in different forms, differ in the mechanism of action, the duration of the effect, but all of them ultimately lead to muscle paralysis, death of the Prussians.


An effective remedy allows you to quickly get rid of a colony of pests in the kitchen, in any other infected room. The gel retains properties for an average of 2 months. Dotted in the most crowded places, along the trajectory of their movement. The composition contains a poisonous substance, flavoring, food additives.

The Prussians find the poison themselves. Infected by contact, eating bait. They do not die right away. The remaining relatives freely drag the treats into the nest, feed the larvae. After 2-3 days, the death of pests begins. It is possible to exterminate a colony completely within a month. Gel control left for exposure for another couple of months to consolidate the result, prevent re-infection.

Cockroach Gels

Destroy cockroaches will help:

Aerosols, sprays

Chemical preparations with an instant effect in the form of cockroaches will help spraysaerosol. The first results are noticeable in half an hour. You can kill cockroaches in 2-4 hours. Under the influence of light, the poisonous substance is neutralized, finally loses its properties within 7-14 days.

Aerosols against cockroaches

To achieve the desired result, you need to apply the drugs correctly. Plinths, furniture, floor for kitchen utensils, appliances are processed. Leave the room closed for 2-4 hours. Air, carry out cleaning.


To permanently etch cockroaches, another pest control is required after 14 days.

Effective funds in the apartment:

The quick action of drugs makes them the most popular of all available.


Simple design in the form of a plastic container. Inside is a poisonous gel bait. Is acting cockroach trap similar to gel. The advantage is the ability to place the drug in a horizontal, vertical position. Fastens with sticky tape. Ideal for apartments where there are pets, small children. Traps can fight cockroaches, prevent their appearance. Often used as additional funds after thorough disinsection.

Cockroach traps

The best cockroach killer drugs:

Powders, crayons, dusts

Cockroaches in the apartment are often fought with powders. The products are odorless, retain poisonous properties for up to 6 months, kill insects after direct contact. Sprinkle dusts or lubricate the surface with crayons in places of the greatest accumulation of pests.

The drugs work well when used together with aerosols, sprays. With independent use, the exterminator acts only when cockroaches repeatedly run through it.

Cockroach Dusts

Effectively remove a colony of parasites in the apartment will help funds:

Liquid concentrates, capsules

A large number of cockroaches, a strong infection of the premises - the basis for the use of professional means. In the apartment, the house is a full disinsection.
Getting rid of cockroaches is carried out independently or call specialists.

On a note!

Concentrates have an instant and lasting prolonged effect. Modern microencapsulated products retain their properties for up to 6 months.On average, the drug is valid in the apartment for 30 days.

Remove pets, other people from the room, wear a protective suit, and a respirator. It is better to carry out disinsection with open windows, and then close them, leave the room for 2-4 hours. Ventilate, remove unpleasant odor and remnants of poison by draft. Wash in places where hands will touch. The best way to fight if there are a lot of cockroaches in the apartment, house. In order to defeat the population of Prusaks completely, to die out forever, to expel, repeated disinsection is carried out after 14-20 days.

Professional cockroach remedies
Professional Tools

Effective means for destruction:

Aquafumigator smoke bombs

The Raptor company offers a universal tool for combating synanthropic insects in residential premises - aquafumigator. Set in a special jar in the middle of the room, pour water. A chemical reaction begins, resulting in toxic wet steam. It acts instantly. The effect is similar to the use of sprays, aerosols, but somewhat more effective, since the poison penetrates into inaccessible places. The main advantage is that during the disinfestation a person does not need to stay indoors. At the end of the procedure, aerate, carry out wet cleaning.

Smoke bombs act similarly, but it is better to use them in non-residential premises, basements. It is easy to kill and drive out the Prusaks with toxic smoke in a few hours. The insecticide settles on the surface, remains to act 20 days, kills newborn larvae. The checker really helps. Quiet evening, FAS.

Recommendations on the use of funds depending on the degree of infection of the premises

When using insecticides in a residential area, safety precautions must be observed. When working with liquid solutions, aerosols, sprays, it is recommended to protect the respiratory tract with a max, respirator. Be sure to wear rubber gloves. Animals are allowed to enter the apartment after disinfection, other people are allowed after thorough ventilation, wet cleaning. If the rules are not followed, poisoning of various degrees of intensity can occur.

To get rid of cockroaches in the apartment once and for all, it is recommended to combine several methods of struggle, depending on the degree of infection of the premises.

With severe infection, when cockroaches catch your eye even in the daytime:

  • eliminate access to water and food;
  • eliminate possible penetration routes;
  • treat the ventilation with crayons and aerosols and put a grid on it;
  • use an aquafumigator or one of the strong concentrates for professional use;
  • set traps to destroy the remaining insects.

With an average level of infection (a couple of cockroaches can be seen by going out into the kitchen at night):

  • block access to food and water;
  • check the room for cracks and cracks;
  • close the ventilation and spray;
  • process the room with gels;
  • put some traps.

If the cockroach was seen once, then in addition to "sealing" the room, closing the ventilation net and removing access to food / water, it will be enough to treat the room with gel from cockroaches or install several traps.

After the disappearance of cockroaches, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and preventive measures.

Pros and cons of self-struggle

If the conclusion of cockroaches is carried out incorrectly, the fight lasts for years. With a weak concentration of the active substance on the treated surface, the Prussians develop immunity, after which it is much more difficult to kill them. You need to immediately take the problem seriously, use the most effective drugs, follow the instructions. Effectively, if used correctly.

If there are cracks in the walls, floor, gaps in the doorways, during disinfestation, cockroaches can escape, move to their neighbors.After a while, they will return to their former places. In order to prevent the Prussians from persecuting, you must first take care of sealing the room.

Features of the struggle in the private sector, high-rise buildings

If cockroaches are defeated in a wooden private house, you can cope with them with any chemical preparation. It is enough to decompose the poison bait or conduct a full disinsection. The risk of re-infection is minimal, if you re-treat the room after 14-20 days, leave the traps for a couple of months.

In an apartment building, getting rid of cockroaches is forever more difficult. The reason for the unsuccessful struggle in the ability of insects to get into neighboring rooms, as well as the lack of coordinated actions among residents of the house. The fight in the apartments should be carried out in parallel in all rooms.

Preventive actions

After a successful fight small cockroaches and huge Prusaks, the main task is to prevent re-infection. It is necessary to maintain order in the house, timely repair water pipes, faucets, close up cracks in the wall. For 6 months, gel baits, traps, dusts, crayons should be used. Lay out in places of possible occurrence of brown cockroaches.


On the forums, victims leave their opinions, life hacks on the successful extermination of cockroaches in the apartment.

Gel lures are very convenient to use. Act slower, but more reliable. I noticed that females eat poison, males are indifferent to it. As the breeding process stops, the colony decreases, but the males continue to live if the females did not stain them with poison. You must either wait for natural death, or use an aerosol.

Maxim, Moscow

Of the strong concentrates, funds based on permethrin and synergists always help. Preparations with a pungent odor, but they cope with the task perfectly. Still good Regent. He is from the Colorado potato beetle, but also acts on cockroaches.

Igor, Tver

Quick effective extermination of cockroaches begins with putting order in the apartment, house, repairing cosmetic or thorough. The choice of a chemical agent depends on the degree of contamination of the room. With the right actions, insects can be removed in 1 month.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Andrew

    The apartment was empty, the tenants settled there. We lived only a year. After they moved, cockroaches scattered across all apartments. Poisoned all together. They bought bulk concentrate, and then each gels, traps for himself. Quickly solved the problem, it’s good that the neighbors are all respectable. In the ill-fated apartment, the mistress also carried out pest control. We ordered Tsifoks.

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