Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Vinegar against cockroaches in an apartment

Vinegar against cockroaches in an apartment

For those who do not want to apply in their apartment strong insecticides, There are many folk ways to fight with the invasion of insects. One of them is cockroach vinegar, a substance that is completely safe for people and pets, which allows you to drive insects out of the premises.

The action of vinegar on cockroaches

This substance is a 9% solution of water and acetic acid, which is sold at any grocery store. Its action is based on the fact that cockroaches are afraid of vinegar, which irritates them with their sour smell and makes them leave their usual habitats.

Advantages of using vinegar in the fight against insects:

  • is available in almost every household (table or apple);
  • low cost of the product;
  • completely harmless to human health and has no side effects;
  • the solution is a highly odoriferous substance, so the smell of vinegar repels insects.

The use of vinegar against cockroaches is based on the deterrent effect of the smell of acid fumes of this substance, which is intolerable to parasites.

Does vinegar help with cockroaches

This product is not intended to poison parasites, but it has only a deterrent effect on them, which can be considered a minus of this method.

Vinegar is used only as a fight against a small number of insects and to prevent their reappearance in the room. While this irritant is present in favorite cockroach habitatsthey cannot return there.

Instructions for use

To get rid of cockroaches in the apartment (with a small number of them), it is enough to regularly treat the room with acetic solution. They should wipe the floors and places where there is an accumulation of insects, baseboards around the entire perimeter of the room, cabinets in the kitchen and their rear walls, a place near the bin, ventilation grates and even upholstered furniture in residential premises.


Particular attention should be paid to places with high humidity, which must be visited by cockroaches: a sink in the kitchen and the floor underneath, drainage places in the toilet and bathtub. It is recommended that undiluted table vinegar be poured directly into the sinks in the sink and bathtub, causing the insects to look for other places to find moisture.

Due to the fact that the unpleasant odor quickly disappears, treatment should be carried out regularly and as often as possible. An ideal option is daily rubbing of all these surfaces for 1-2 months. This method will allow the expulsion of parasites without the use of chemicals and insecticides.

How to wash floors with vinegar

To prepare the solution, a liter of water is mixed with 1 tbsp. l vinegar. A large concentration of seasoning is also allowed. The floors and skirtings are washed with the finished mixture. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to leave the room for several hours so as not to inhale the vinegar vapors.

Cockroach spray recipes

Preparation of a solution for controlling cockroaches, which can be used as a spray for spraying and surface treatment in the kitchen and other rooms of the apartment:

  • pour 1 liter of boiled water into the container;
  • add 4 tbsp. ltable or apple cider vinegar (when using vinegar essence it must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1:22);
  • put 1 tbsp. l ground red pepper or 2 pods of fresh;
  • insist 5 days;
  • filter the solution and pour into a spray bottle.

Spray treatment is recommended to be carried out weekly for 1-2 months until the parasites are completely eliminated.

On a note!

During the procedure, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves, because the red pepper contained in the solution has burning properties. For the same reason, the finished spray with vinegar must be kept away from children.

Another recipe for processing solution:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 3 cap. cedar or eucalyptus essential oil.

The ingredients must be mixed well, pour the solution into the spray bottle and apply to the processing of rooms.

Another way to apply the fact that cockroaches are afraid of vinegar is to arrange flat saucers or cups of this substance in a room where there are insects. They can be left overnight in places where parasites live or near water sources. Sensing a sour smell, cockroaches react unambiguously - they leave in search of other places.

On a note!

For one night, such a tool will not work, however, when repeating the method for 2-3 weeks, the number prusakov in the kitchen and other rooms will begin to decline due to their care.

Similar to vinegar, there are other repellent folk remedies:


Judging by the reviews of vinegar and its effect on cockroaches of those apartment owners who have tested this method, it is effective only with a small amount of parasites and subject to regular use of territory treatment.

When a friend advised me to use vinegar in the fight against parasites that appeared in my apartment, I was very surprised and at first did not believe that the method would help get rid of cockroaches. However poison I didn’t want to use because of the presence of a cat in the house, so I decided to try it. Processing and washing floors with a solution of vinegar was carried out for a month. After 2 weeks I began to notice that there were fewer insects, and after a month they finally left. Six months have now passed, and there are no more cockroaches.

Alevtina, Yelets

I decided to try the vinegar attack method on my home cockroaches on the advice of the boss, they were very tired, but I did not want to buy insecticides. I did a full cleaning of the room, washed the floor, sprayed all the walls and cupboards with vinegar in the kitchen, and put saucers with it near the sink for the night. I can say with confidence - the method works!

Michael, Vitebsk

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Anna

    I tried to remove cockroaches with vinegar. Useless. It’s easier to buy gel from the Prussians and put it on cardboard. Effective and no odor.

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