Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Aerosol Clean House Cockroaches

Aerosol Clean House Cockroaches
Spray can

Cockroaches choose their place of residence as apartments and houses in which comfortable conditions are created for them. Insects not only dislike property owners, they are carriers of millions of bacteria. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers are engaged in the production of products aimed at pest control. One of them is a Russian company - TM “Clean House”. Her extensive assortment includes aerosol Clean house from cockroaches.

On a note!

As a result of the research, scientists from France and America came to the conclusion that cockroaches living in concrete buildings cause the so-called “fatigue virus” in people. Doctors believe that microbes, the carriers of which are "concrete residents", suck out vital forces from the human body. As a result, premature aging occurs.

Features of the drug, principle of action

For many consumers aerosol spray is most preferred. The composition of the drug 2 active substances:

  • cypermethrin (0.18%);
  • tetramethrin (0.2%).

Both for cockroaches - poison. But, acting simultaneously, they enhance the effect, reduce addiction to the drug. In addition to the active substances, the composition of the product includes: a catalyst, a solvent, a synergist, propane-butane. During spraying, the Clean House blocks the functioning of the nervous system, causing cockroaches paralysis leading to death. It retains its properties on surfaces for 20 to 30 days. The product has a faint smell of chamomile, which is due to the presence of tetramethrin in the composition.

Pros and cons

Advantages of the drug:

  1. The action of the tool is noticeable almost instantly. The death of insects occurs within two days. If you add to the aerosol powder, the effect is amplified, and even a new generation of cockroaches will not be able to survive. Pests can be completely destroyed in 2 weeks.
  2. Low cost. The price for a spray is about 320 rubles.
  3. Ease of use. A clean house for sale comes in finished form, it is enough to follow the steps in accordance with the attached instructions for use.
  4. Aerosol does not leave after applying stains. They process upholstered furniture.
  5. No unpleasant odor.

Aerosol deficiency Clean house - no effect on larvaelocated in the ooteca.

Drug characteristics

Aerosol Clean house for sale in cylinders with a capacity of 150 and 600 ml. One large capacity is enough for processing rooms from 80 to 100 square meters. m. The aerosol is equipped with a double-acting spray head. For hard-to-reach spots, a special tube is included.

Application rules

Before using dichlorvos Clean House, it is necessary to carry out such work in the apartment:

  • family members and animals leave the apartment for several hours;
  • carefully pack and hide food;
  • move the furniture away from the walls to facilitate work;
  • ventilation grilles, doors, windows close.

Instructions for use:

  1. During the procedure, it is imperative to use protective equipment: glasses, a mask, gloves.This will not allow toxic substances to enter the human body.
  2. When spraying, the balloon is held in a hand vertically at a distance of 20-30 cm from surfaces and places of accumulation of cockroaches.
  3. Such areas are processed: skirting boards (around the perimeter), existing slots, places around the refrigerator, washing machine, sinks, risers, furniture on the back side.

After processing apartments from cockroaches, it should be left at least 2 hours. After that, wet cleaning is done with soda or soapy solution. The rooms are aired for two hours. In places inaccessible to children and animals, cleaning is not done.

On a note!

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use powder of the same brand together with aerosol.

Where could I buy

Aerosol A clean house for cockroaches is purchased in veterinary pharmacies, household and specialized stores, departments of large supermarkets, via the Internet.


According to reviews of the Clean House aerosol, the greatest result can be achieved if the apartment is not very much prusakov.

When she found cockroaches in her apartment, she was scared. I had never seen them before. I ran to the nearest store. The seller advised me to buy an aerosol Clean House. She told me to carefully read the instructions, and did everything in accordance with it. Which I did. Cockroaches are gone and I don’t see them anymore.

Tatyana, Alushta

A clean house in the form of an aerosol just saved our apartment from cockroaches. True, I still on the advice of friends, supplemented it with powder. We were satisfied with the result.

Lisa, Artemovsk

I do not advise buying Clean House products; aerosol did not help me at all. First I saw lying cockroaches, did the cleaning (all according to the instructions). A week later they appeared again.

Inga, Chelyabinsk

Other products of TM "Clean House" from cockroaches

The brand produces products not only in the form of aerosols. Buyers can purchase:

They instantly destroy crawling insects. With a large cockroach population, it is recommended to use 2 different agents at the same time: spray and gel or powder and aerosol


The analogues of the Clean House drug, which contain the active substance cypermethrin, are:

  1. Raptor.
  2. Fas.
  3. Kombat.
  4. Raid.
  5. Dichlorvos.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The principle of action is the same - paralysis and death of parasites. Use the poisonous substance strictly according to the instructions.

User reviews will help determine the choice of the right TM Clean House TM drug. It is advisable to buy products from authorized distributors.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Maria

    We have cockroaches in our house all the time. Honestly, I was tortured to fight them. The neighbors did not want to do this and simply planted a nursery of parasites. Often I buy products Clean House, mainly aerosol, as it is very easy to use. Enough for 1-2 months and again the eternal battle. Probably, I will contact the appropriate authority.

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