Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Pyrethrum Powder From Cockroaches

Pyrethrum Powder From Cockroaches

Pyrethrum cockroach powder is made from Dalmatian chamomile and is a natural insecticide. Widely used in veterinary medicine, agriculture, everyday life. Destroys and scares away crawling, flying insects. Is an alternative chemicalsIt is used indoors with pets, small children.

Composition, action

Dried flowers of some species of chamomile were used as insecticides by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, the people of Persia, ancient China. Scientific research on flowers began in 1694. Scientists have identified 2 types of chamomile - Caucasian, Dalmatian. Their inflorescences contain 1.5% of the natural insecticidal substance pyrethrin.

Mass production of preparations based on chamomile powder began in the 20s of the last century. In the 40s, synthetic derivatives appeared - pyrethroid allethrin, tetramethrin, resmetrin.

On a note!

On sale you can find the natural drug Pyrethrum and products made on the basis of synthetic derivatives.

Natural powder is used in rooms for various purposes, residential buildings, apartments from crawling, flying insects. Pyrethrum found application in cockroach control. The active component has a neuroparalytic property. Violates metabolic processes, the functioning of the nervous system, provokes paralysis, death. With a small amount, it has a repellent effect.

Release form

Pyrethrum from cockroaches is produced in the form of a yellow powder with a persistent floral aroma. Packed in packages of different volumes, from 100 g to 10 kg. The shelf life of the drug is 12 months from the date of manufacture, subject to proper storage. The air temperature should be within 20 degrees Celsius, the absence of direct sunlight is required, a normal indicator of humidity.

Operating principle

Pyrethrin enters the body of insects on contact. A large dose of the drug leads to death home cockroaches, small - acts as a repellent. Natural insecticidal substance has its advantages and disadvantages that must be considered.


  • Security. The powder is not dangerous for pets, humans. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect, normalizes sleep, eliminates headache, nervousness. Dangerous only for insects.
  • Ease of use. The powder is scattered as a track in the most crowded places.


  • Low efficiency. Pyrethrum retains the toxic properties of only 1.5 days. Pyrethrins quickly decompose when exposed to sunlight. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to sprinkle the powder in the evening, when the activity of cockroaches increases. Leave for the night.
  • The absence of a prolonged effect. Pyrethrum is recommended as a prophylactic, but for a very short time.
  • Discomforts when using. Due to the rapid decay of the active substance, frequent updating of the protective layer is required. The procedure is repeated every day, which is not suitable for everyone.
  • Visibility. The powder is visible at the application sites, creating additional garbage in the apartment.
  • Valid only upon contact. Cockroaches that are in deep gaps remain unscathed, continue active life. Larvae in the ooteca are developing safely.

Not everyone likes the specific smell of chamomile.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to sprinkle pyrethrum from cockroaches in the form of a track in places of the greatest accumulation of cockroaches, on the way of their movement. Be sure to sprinkle around the bin, sinks, washbasins, along baseboards, behind furniture. The next day, the powder is removed, the protective layer is renewed. Application continues until the complete disappearance of cockroaches, but this does not happen soon. With daily use of feverfew, you can achieve the desired result in 1-2 months.

On a note!

Practicing breeding Pyrethrum water. The solution is poured into the cracks, processed furniture. With this method of application, the effectiveness of the cockroach remedy is significantly reduced, so the procedure is meaningless.

Where could I buy

By the end of the last century, the active production of natural Pyrethrum ceased due to a lack of raw materials. Instead, there were funds based on synthetic derivatives. You can buy powder only on sites on the Internet, it is not available for sale. Manufacturers offer 100 g of the drug for 250 rubles. average. This amount is barely enough for a one-time processing of the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. When using Pyrethrum from cockroaches as the main means of struggle, the cost increases many times.


Pyrethrum acts excellently on mosquitoes, driving them away with its persistent aroma. High concentration kills small insects. As for cockroaches, the dosage of the toxic substance is too small for them, so the effectiveness is weak. Poor reviews confirm Pyrethrum.

Absolutely useless thing. Prusaki run around the powder for days, stay alive. High consumption, high price. Natural, but not at all effective. There is no point in buying. For prevention, too, is not suitable. Every day you need to pour a new powder, it looks unaesthetic, from the constant specific smell it starts to vomit people.

Elena, Moscow

From cockroaches does not help. Trusila paths in a huge layer for a week. I did not see any results. I didn’t come across a dead cockroach. Poison does not take these reptiles, what to speak of a natural weak insecticide. They only mosquitoes to drive.

Irina, Perm


On sale is Pyrethrum in the form of an aerosol. Used to kill parasitic insects on the body of animals, mosquitoes. From cockroaches used for processing furniture, walls, pipes. Direct analogues are preparations made on the basis of synthetic pyrethroids. Available in water soluble form powder, dusta, gel bait, aerosol. Toxic properties last from 2 to 4 weeks. Effective analogues Fas double, Super Fas, Tiuram, Fenaxin. The average price is 50 rubles. for packing.

Natural pyrethrum is positioned as a safe effective remedy for crawling, flying insects. In practice, against cockroaches shows poor results, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Albina

    Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile powder was used in the last century when there were no effective remedies. Now there are many fast-acting, safe drugs, why go back in time! Pyrethrum is very expensive if used as intended. It is much more profitable to buy Dust Clean House, eat once, enjoy the results for 2 months.

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