Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Gardex mosquito repellent for children

Summer. An obsessive problem for the whole family during this period is mosquitoes. Bothersome insects annoy not only their meticulous squeak, but also biteswhich results in intolerable itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Children suffer especially from this. Some babies bite bloodsuckers allergic reaction. The modern market is full of various mosquito repellents. One of these is the Gardex mosquito repellent for children.

Gardeks is a natural protection against mosquitoes, mosquitoes and ticks. There is a series of mosquito repellents in this series for children.

On a note!

For the most part, all products are intended for children from 1 year. When choosing mosquito repellent for children up to a year, you should pay attention to other manufacturers.

Infant babies can be protected on the street from mosquito bites only with the help of mosquito net, gauze or tulle, which should cover the stroller. It is preferable that the clothes of infants cover the limbs as much as possible: the pants can even be put in booties, and the arms are covered with long sleeves.

At home, you can prevent bites from bloodsuckers by installing a mosquito net or gauze on the window.

Gardex mosquito products for children from one year are available in the following variations.


Gardex baby spray for children is designed to protect mosquitoes from children over two years of age. It will also protect your baby from mosquito and biting midges. Available in 100 ml vials.

Remedies for children from mosquitoes
Remedies for children from mosquitoes

Basis baby spray is diethyltoluamide - organic repellent. The composition also contains a plant extract of calendula and chamomile, which contribute to the hydration of the skin.

Before using Gardeks mosquito spray for children, you should carefully read the instructions:

  • pre-repellent is applied to the palm of the hand, after which open areas of the baby’s body are treated with tangential movements;
  • the agent is applied repeatedly no earlier than 3 hours (however, no more than 2 times a day);
  • the repellent composition should be limited to mucous and injured areas of the body;
  • spray is not recommended to be applied to plastic elements and synthetic fiber products.


It is not recommended to use Gardeks mosquito spray for children up to a year.

The cost of the spray is 130-180 rubles.

There is another option for spray Gardex baby mosquito repellent for children from 1 year. It protects against biting midges and mosquitoes. It differs from the previous type in the exposure time (up to 2 hours) and the volume of the bottle (50 ml). The price varies between 230-260 rubles.

Spray can

Cream and spray from Gardex
Cream and spray from Gardex

Aerosol Gardeks baby from mosquitoes and ticks is another way to protect children from annoying insects from the age of 2 years. It is used exclusively for the processing of children's things.


A distinctive feature of this product is a long protection period: for 10 days, the composition retains its properties on clothes against mosquitoes, for 15 days it is effective bed bugs.

The clothes are treated with an aerosol at a distance of at least 20 cm from its surface. It is necessary to put on the processed item to the child after it ceases to be wet. There is a balloon aerosol Gardex baby within 250 rubles.


Already applied more than once Gardeks mosquito repellent. Aerosol is just some kind of miracle. I sprayed the little things of the child and walk calmly, without thinking about mosquitoes. I advise.

Lily, Kaliningrad


To prevent mosquitoes from biting the baby, Gardex made a baby protective cream. It contains tansy and chamomile extract, as well as essential oils. Gardex cream from mosquitoes is allowed for use by children from 1.5 years.

When applied to the skin of a child, the protection time is about 2 hours. Apply the cream no more than 2 times a day. The cost of a tube (40 ml) is about 100 rubles.

A bracelet

Gardex Bracelet & Clip
Gardex Bracelet & Clip

A replaceable cartridge bracelet is a unique innovative invention of mankind, reducing the likelihood of mosquito bites in nature. Recommended for children over two years old. The composition of the cartridges (3 pcs in a set) is impregnated with a mixture of 4 essential oils, which ensures reliable protection of the child.

Principle of use gardex bracelet simple enough. The cartridge that is removed from the package is installed in a recess located in the case of the bracelet. In this form, the product is ready for use - it can be mounted on an arm or leg.


It is not recommended to use a bracelet over 6 hours a day and more than two products at a time.

The price of a Gardex children's bracelet is about 500 rubles.


I read a lot of admired reviews about mosquito repellent bracelets. I bought a little thing for my son. Very pleased with me and he. But mosquitoes do not like such a bright bracelet. Cool tool. Recommend.

Yana, Moscow


A product of this type is the Gardex baby mosquito clip with cartridges. Use this clamp only on the street. The cartridge removed from the packaging is inserted into a special hole on the clip. After that, the device is attached to children on clothes or on a bracelet from the company Gardex. Contraindications are similar to using a Gardex bracelet.

On a note!

Do not use the Gardex clip with replaceable cartridges for children under 2 years of age and for babies who are sensitive to harsh aromas. Contact of the product with mucous and damaged areas of the body is contraindicated.

The approximate cost of the product is 300 rubles.


No less effective Gardex mosquito stickers soaked citronella oil. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, they are intended for adults and children over two years of age. Protective properties remain for 12 hours. A set of 8 stickers costs around 100 rubles.


Not any worries and troubles for you - hooked mosquito sticker to the stroller and walk at least all evening on the street. Mosquitoes do not approach at all. Thanks to the manufacturer!

Anna, Astrakhan

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