Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get a mole from a summer cottage or garden

The appearance of earthen heaps in the middle of garden beds does not please the owners at all, because this means that an “underground guest” has started up on the site, which can spoil plants, dig their roots and tubers that have begun to grow. Therefore, it will be necessary to decide how to remove the mole from the garden immediately, until most of the landings are destroyed.

The harm and benefits of moles

In appearance they seem to be completely harmless underground animals with large paws intended for only one action - digging deep and long strokes underground. However, for the owners of gardens and summer cottages, the arrival of even one mole is a disaster. Moles feed earthworms, larvae and insects, including pests. In addition, they benefit by improving soil aeration and filling it with air.

However, building its underground multi-meter communications, moles undermine plants and cut off their roots, which leads to the death of a large number of plantings. Therefore, to save the garden, you have to deal with the question of how to drive moles out of the site.

Removing moles from the garden

For many years fight against moles gardeners and gardeners have come up with and tested many ways.

All methods of getting rid of "underground guests" are divided into 3 types:

  • scaring away moles from the garden;
  • folk methods of struggle;
  • chemical and mechanical methods for the destruction of pests.

Scaring moles off the garden

Acoustic devices for repelling moles from the garden
Acoustic devices for repelling moles from the garden

For those who prefer a humane means of struggle, various ways to scare away animals from the site, which are based on the creation for their existence of discomfort, affecting hearing and smell. After all, moles do not like loud sounds and sharp unpleasant smells.

The following folk acoustic devices will allow the mole to be driven out of the garden:

  • Burying empty glass bottles around the perimeter of the site at an angle of 45 ° C to the ground: when the wind gets into them, a buzzing sound is produced that transmits vibration to the soil and scares away the "underground" guests away from the garden.
  • Another option homemade repeller consists in hanging empty cans on the columns along the border of the site, which also begin to “rattle” from gusts of wind.
  • Similarly, various rattles are made from tin or turntables from plastic bottles, which also make noise and scare away animals.

The disadvantages of such methods: in calm weather, the devices do not work, in addition, their effect is limited territorially. Therefore, to protect the entire site, you have to install a lot of turntables and rattles, and this can result in an “escape” of the owners.

Folk methods

Folk methods of struggle
Folk methods of struggle

Experienced gardeners use various odors of plants or substances to scare away moles, as well as mechanical methods:

  • The most time-consuming method of preventing the appearance of moles in the garden: dig along the entire perimeter to a depth of at least 1 m galvanized metal mesh with holes no more than 2x2 cm, i.e.make complete isolation from all animals that move underground. The holes are left so that earthworms and beneficial insects can move.
  • Planting odorous plants around the perimeter: legumes, daffodils, marigolds, onions, garlic, hazel grouse or euphorbia will scare away moles in the area. However, it should be borne in mind that some of them are poisonous to humans, and therefore pose a danger to children and pets.
  • The use of various sharply smelling substances: kerosene, naphthalene, castor oil, fuel oil, tar, vinegar, tobacco and red pepper. It is possible to impregnate the fabric with liquids, which is then pushed into the moles, scatter the powders over the area, etc. However, all these methods are ineffective, because the odors quickly evaporate and their effect is short-lived.

On a note!

Some gardeners even use various spoiled products to scare away “diggers”: rotten herring, rotten vegetables or rotten eggs. However, such smells can drive away not only moles, but also people from their own area.

In reality, noise and unpleasant odors can scare away moles, but for a short time, because of which they are ineffective.

Ready-made ultrasonic scarers

Ultrasonic mole repellers from the garden
Ultrasonic mole repellers from the garden

Based on the principle of acoustic scaring are based and special ultrasound devices, which are manufactured industrially, both Russian and foreign. They use ultrasonic waves, inaudible to the human ear.

Installation on the site of acoustic devices Anticrot, Krotogon, EcoSniper, Citytek and others, which generate ultrasonic signals that alert the animals about the danger, will cause the "underground guests" to leave the territory of the garden.

The disadvantage of this method is the rather expensive equipment and the effect of ultrasound signals on pets, as well as the short duration of the action, because after turning off the device, all moles can return back.

Mole hunters

Pets can help remove moles from the garden. Some dog breeds, which also love to dig holes and get small digging animals, are quite capable of protecting the territory of their summer cottage. These include terriers and dachshunds. Typically, moles go away from such "hunters" away. Also, instincts of fishing are inherent in some domestic cats, but only a small number of them.

Mole extermination methods

Mole extermination methods
Mole extermination methods

The list of ways to remove a mole from the garden includes both mechanical and chemicals:

  • Use to kill mole traps or special mole traps, which are installed at the exit from the holes, will allow you to catch a certain part of the pests, although the method relates to inhumane.
  • Various poisonous baits and poisons will help to effectively remove moles from the summer cottage. They are laid out in burrows or on the territory of the site, animals die after eating them. Poison preparations for moles sold in gardening stores.
  • You can make poison baits yourself from boiled wheat, to which pesticide is added. Poison is laid out throughout the site, digging into burrows or underground to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  • Pouring underground passages with a large amount of water is a fairly popular method, however, it only helps to remove moles in a situation where they only recently arrived at the site and did not manage to build complex underground structures.
  • Trapping live moles in a jar or pan that dig into an underground passage. After falling into a 3-liter capacity, the animal cannot climb up.
  • A trap is made of the pipe on its own, for which a pipe of the same diameter as the hole is selected: doors are installed on its ends, which open only inside: once there, the animal cannot get out and die.
  • You can catch the beast on a fishing hook if you attach it to a strong wooden stick. For catching, the hook is lowered into the molehill and wait until “prey” is caught.
  • The installation of electric moleholes that kill animals by a current discharge will reduce the number of moles, however, this method is financially expensive.


One of the “cardinal” methods even involves the use of tear gas sprayed from a can into animal holes. However, it requires sophisticated protective equipment and is a danger to plants and people.

When deciding how to remove a mole from the site, each owner has to choose among the many methods and methods the most necessary and effective, based on financial capabilities, the complexity of operations and the complexity of manufacturing devices. Some people prefer to use only humane methods, others, driven to despair by the invasion of moles, are capable of cardinal and murderous methods to get rid of "underground enemies" forever.


At the dacha, we tried many different rattles, bottle repellents, but the moles continued to spoil the garden. Only the installation of home-made traps made by the type of mousetraps helped. The husband put them directly in molehills, caught 2-3 animals daily. The only drawback: every time I had to get the dead and set traps again.

Maria, Voronezh

For several years we have been using rags soaked in gasoline or kerosene. We push them straight into burrows with long sticks. Moles leave them, but then they begin to dig new moves. But the beds were thus saved.

Larisa, Moscow

I want to advise gardeners not to hope for digging in the net, since moles are found not only in carnivores, but also in those who eat only vegetables. These are blind people who dig passages to a depth of 2.5 m. They drag potatoes, carrots and beets from the garden and put them in underground storages. Against such pests, the net is powerless.

Eugene, Odessa

I bought EcoSniper, now I live in peace. It acts on the basis of ultrasound. All the digging animals left, apparently to the neighbors.

Sergey, Zelenogorsk

Yes, such devices do not work! So, I “pecked” at the advertisement and acquired ultrasonic scares, so the moles began to dig even more fun, the number of molehills increased by 2 times. Do not believe the advertisement.

Zinaida, Kiev

I was lucky with a cat, which upon arrival to the country immediately went out to hunt for all small animals. Successfully catches mice and moles.

Alexander, Moscow

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