Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Folk remedies against ants

The appearance of several ants in the apartment does not give rise to fear, however, when there are a lot of them, this means that they settled in the house. If you have pets or small children, then it is better not to use chemical methods of control. The best option will be folk remedies for ants, which will help drive them away without the use of insecticides.


Red antswhich settle in residential premises belong to a separate pharaonic mindwhose name came from C. Linnaeus. They were first discovered in the Egyptian pyramids, and the scientist mistakenly suggested that their origin and habitat is Egypt. However, in fact, red ants come from India, from where they were able to penetrate and spread around the world.

Ants are not pests, but, settling in the house, cause some inconvenience to residents:

  • they are able to cause discomfort to those living in the house, climbing into clothes and products;
  • arrange nests within the premises and quickly breed;
  • when settled in electrical appliances can cause an electrical short circuit.

If "red aliens" are discovered, the following measures must be taken:

  • to clean the entire room;
  • pack all products and make them inaccessible to ants;
  • Throw away garbage regularly and do not leave crumbs and small pieces of food on the table or on the floor.

Folk remedies

Ant repellent methods
Ant repellent methods

Red ants settle in the house in colonies with a certain hierarchy. These are nests dispersed in several places, in each of which there are several queensproducing offspring and working ants, producing food.

They find food by smell, and then, rushing the whole colony, come to it along the laid paths, pick it up and transfer it to their nest. Therefore the very first step in fight with red ants there should be a clarification of where their colony is located and the routes of their paths.

Intimidating methods

Ants are afraid sharp aromas, therefore, to combat them, folk methods are often used, consisting in repelling pests with the help of odors:

  • sharp-smelling foods: garlic, bay leaf, turmeric and cinnamon in powder, cloves, zest of lemons or oranges;
  • plants with a sharp aroma: wormwood, tansy, elderberry, lavender, chamomile, mint, etc .;
  • substances with an unpleasant odor: camphor alcohol, turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, meth.

Herbal remedies repel ants with a strong smell, so they can be used to prevent insects from entering the room, laying out bunches of fresh and dried mint, chamomile, tansy on the way and at the entrance to the house.

Garlic and other odorous products can be used to grease baseboards and crevices in floorboards. Ant paths should be treated with any substance with a sharp aroma, sprinkled with a mixture of red pepper and cinnamon, they are also used to sprinkle the threshold of the house to scare them away and not to let them in.

A fairly effective folk remedy against ants is the use of household, tar soap or any detergent diluted with water to treat ant paths and disorientate insects. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp of soap per 0.5 l of water, it washes off the smell quite effectively, and is also capable of destroying the pests themselves upon direct contact.

To repel ants, you can use a folk remedy in the form of a mixture of essential oils (peppermint 20 drops and lavender 10 drops), ethyl alcohol (250 g) and water (250 g), which is used to spray all the tracks and the room around the perimeter with a spray bottle. Processing should be carried out at least 7-10 days, although after 2-3 days the ants will begin to leave the house.

Folk recipes for fighting ants

Folk recipes for fighting ants
Folk recipes for fighting ants

In addition to intimidating methods, non-chemical folk remedies are also used to kill red pests.

Such a traditional, self-made tool, is made on the basis of boric acid, for which it is necessary:

  • 10 g of boric acid (1 sachet);
  • 1 tsp sugar or honey;
  • yolk from hard boiled eggs.

Having mixed all the components, small portions are made, which need to be laid out in places where the ants live, or on the tracks where they run through. Having eaten food, pests gradually die within 10-15 days.


Boric acidused to kill ants is harmless to children and animals living in the house. If one of them eats ant poison, it will not happen. in such a small volume, acid is safely excreted through the kidneys.

There are several more popular recipes with which you can get rid of ants:

  • Sprinkle along ant paths semolina, after eating the croup swells and causes the death of the insect, corn flour has a similar effect.
  • Brewer's yeast need to be diluted in water with a volume of 1 tbsp. to viscous gruel, add a little sugar and coat all the paths and places of the ants settlement.
  • A mixture of borax and sugar in equal proportions is sprinkled with ant paths.
  • A mixture of coffee grounds and jam or sweet syrup also lubricates the habitats of insects.
  • Mixture soda and icing sugar, laid out on ant paths, after eating causes the death of pests.
  • To protect a specific product from the invasion of ants, a well-known folk remedy is used: lubricating a can or dish with unrefined vegetable oil. They really do not like the aroma of oil, so they are not able to overcome such an oil barrier.


It’s widely believed that ants really like everything is sweet, but very much as a bait in folk recipes use meat, which these insects also like.

Ant traps

Ant traps
Ant traps

There are many folk ways that help with baits. trap antsafter which they die. This affects only the working individuals, but their number will sharply decrease.

Trap Examples:

  • Sweet syrup made from water and sugar or jam is poured into a small plate, placed in the places where the ants stay. Wanting to drink more of this desired sweetness, insects are buried in it.
  • Stick adhesive tape or 2-sided tape on thick paper and put in the center bait: jam or a drop of honey. Traps are laid out near the entrance to the house and along the perimeter along the baseboards.

On a note!

When setting traps and using various ant control methods it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to block the possibility of their access to water.

Destruction of nests and anthills

If the number of ants in the room, after using various folk remedies, has not decreased, this means that there is an ant nest within the premises, and maybe not one. The only way to get rid of ants in such a situation would be an urgent search and destruction of these colonies.

To do this, you need to trace where the paths with insects lead.Typically, nests are located in the crevices of the floor or walls, near baseboards, behind furniture, etc.

After anthill found, it should be treated with diesel fuel or gasoline: 50 ml each. Such a tool will destroy the ants and forget about them for the next few years.

Ant Prevention
Ant Prevention

Preventative measures

To prevent red ants from entering your home, you must adhere to the following housekeeping rules:

  • keep the room clean, regularly do wet cleaning;
  • Do not leave food or food waste on the table or other places;
  • to store cereals, sugar and flour, use closed jars and containers;
  • keep everything sweet in a bowl with a lid;
  • food waste and garbage regularly to take out;
  • in a living room, cover up all the places through which insects can penetrate: cracks, holes, holes;
  • if there are pets after feeding, all food debris should be removed;
  • Entrance doors and ventilation openings must be periodically lubricated with ant agents.
( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Eugene

    I read the article and was surprised that there are so many ways to deal with ants. Now I will use them, because in our house there are such small red aliens who attacked not only cookies and sugar bowls, but also like to pick up crumbs of bread and other food, which sometimes remains after dinner.

  2. Oleg

    I tried to lay out balls with boric acid throughout the house, but the method did not work until they told me that it was also necessary to shut off the water at the same time. As soon as I removed all the springs with water, the ants began to gradually die.

  3. Maria

    First of all, it is necessary to clean the house. If you have crumbs on the table or leftovers in the bin, no matter what methods you use, the ants will pave the paths anyway and find something to profit from. I know this from my own experience.

  4. Olga

    My husband fought goose bumps with a very effective method: he found their colonies and poured kerosene, the entire population died right away, and the survivors left for other more attractive apartments.

    1. Vika

      But is it not dangerous - to fill in corners in the house with kerosene? And not far from the fire.

      1. Olga

        No, there’s just a little bit needed - half a cup is enough, and then after a while you just need to wash everything from kerosene.

  5. Igor

    It is best to invite a special service so that all insects are poisoned, and all problems with them end.

  6. Barbara

    I use the grandmother’s method: I spread the herbs around the house, especially put more around the front door, so the ants rarely run into us, the smell scares them away.

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