Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

What and how a wasp bites

The wasp sting is a weapon that uses insects to defeat the victim, protect their own lives. It is a modified ovipositor, so males do not have such weapons for anatomical reasons. Due to the fact that female individuals predominate in the aspen family, it was believed that wasps have a sting. In each species, it has an identical structure, but differs in the strength of the poison, which injects an insect during a bite.

Wasp bites or stings

The insect uses the sting in case of danger to its own life or during the hunt to paralyze the victim. After puncture of chitinous or skin integument wasp lets in quick poisonous substance.

However, if it is possible to dispense with poison, the insect uses powerful jaws. They have no teeth, but enough strength to bite through the chitin cover of beetles. Wasps try to save poison, use their weapons in emergency cases. In the fight with humans, insects always use a sting to protect them, which is why there was a statement that the wasp stings. The word “bites” means precisely this process.

How a wasp bites

Many species of wasps are characterized by aggressive behavior, rush to attack with sudden movements, the approach of a person. Unlike bees, wasps can sting several times - up to 5 per minute. Attacks until it can fly away. By whether there is a sting left in the wound, you can find out who bitten wasp or bee.

The aspen female sits on the victim’s body, contracts muscles, stretches the sting, and penetrates the skin. The amount of poison that enters the blood depends on how deep it goes. Having pulled the weapon back, the insect is in no hurry to hide it, it is able to drive it several more times. How many times a wasp bites depends on the age of the insect, species, as well as the strength of the poison. Representatives of the public family inflict up to 5 bites at a time. A photo of a wasp sting in the skin is presented below.


Wasps attack people to protect their lives, nest, larvae. If an inattentive, careless person finds himself near a wasp hive, he risks being bitten by a whole swarm. Insects living in a large family communicate with signals, in the presence of danger they alert the rest. In a matter of minutes, no one knows where the whole swarm appears, rushes to attack, it can bite for several minutes.

Wasp sting
Wasp sting

When an insect leaves a sting when bitten

For wasps, this situation is unusual. The female quickly removes the weapon, rushes away. Even if it stays under the skin, the insect does not die, continues to live. The sting after a wasp sting remains at the site of the lesion if it was slammed during this process. The body fell away, but the core remained inside. The situation is rare, because intuitively a person smacks an insect or shakes his hand, foot in order to get rid of it.

After a bite bee sting, since their weapons differ in structure, appearance. It has many notches that allow it to easily stick into the skin, but do not allow to get out. To fly away, the bee makes a jerk, part of the abdomen comes off. The insect dies soonand abdomen remaining in place bitecontinues to throb, delivering new portions of poison to the blood. For this reason, you need to remove it as soon as possible.

It is very simple to remove the wasp sting, if it still remains at the site of the bite.

  1. You need to use a needle or tweezers. Tools should be wiped with alcohol, disinfected.
  2. In the first case, the needle can be pulled out like an ordinary splinter; in the second, it is fixed at the base, carefully pulled onto itself.
  3. It should be removed in millimeters. Otherwise, the hornet’s weapon will break, some will remain under the skin.

On a note!

If the hornet’s sting is not removed, nothing terrible will happen. Over time, the body itself will spew a foreign body. The poison ceases to flow after the insect has flown away. If, after a thorough examination, it was possible to find a needle in the bite, you need to get rid of it. Then you should squeeze the poison out of the wound. This will reduce pain, accelerate wound healing.

The structure of the wasp weapons

You can carefully examine the wasp sting under a microscope. However, a thin needle sticking out of the abdomen is also visible with the naked eye. A photo of a wasp sting is presented below.

Outwardly resembles a thin, sharp needle. Durable organ with duct channel inside. Connects with a poisonous gland. Sting after wasp sting expands, passes a portion of the poison. In a calm state, it hides in the abdomen, is protected by special plates. With aggression, they expand, the needle travels out.

The walls are smooth, the tip is sharp. All in order to easily and quickly pierce the body of the victim. It is just as easy to pull back, because it has no notches, like a bee.

On a note!

Outwardly, the sting looks dark, almost black, in fact it is transparent.

Wasp sting
Wasp sting

Strength of the poison of different wasps

The external structure of protective weapons is identical for all species, but the strength of the poison and the behavior of insects are significantly different.

  • The largest wasp - hornet, his bite very painful. The poison is toxic. Asian hornet able to kill an allergic person in just a few minutes. About 50 fatalities after a hornet bite are recorded annually in Japan and China. The attack is compared to a puncture of a skin with a hot nail. Typical representatives of our area are less toxic, but killing a person without timely medical assistance is capable of 5 bites of different individuals.
  • Giant chippies impress with their impressive size and are among the largest wasp species in the world. They have a small sting, poison non-toxic to humans. After the bite, there is a feeling of numbness, which disappears within a few minutes. And only with an increased tendency to allergies, a local, systemic allergic reaction occurs. Skolii are distinguished by a calm disposition; they prefer to move away from a dangerous place, enemies, rather than attack. These types of insects do not communicate with signals, do not build large nests, therefore the attack of a whole swarm is excluded.
  • Philanthropists - the safest wasps, belong to diggers, live underground. Not able to pierce human skin. If necessary, they can be crushed with bare hands. The second name for insects is bee wolves. Large earthen wasps feed on bees, destroy hives. Until maturation, the larva eats 5 adult bees. Has the ability to attack the victim on the fly. A sting pierces, paralyzes a bee. Then squeezes the nectar, eats it, carries the prey to the nest. It forms a hive underground, remembers its location well.
  • Pompilides - wasp with a long sting, strong poison. It inflicts the most painful bites. Road wasps bite unbearably painfully, attack at the first sign of aggression against them. They live around the world, more than 200 species live in Russia. The body size of an adult reaches 3 cm. They lead a solitary lifestyle, do not form a swarm, numerous nests. Eggs are laid on spiders, after which the larvae eat the victim from the inside. Pompilides have the most powerful, strong sting. Use it to attack the victim, enemies.

If the insect managed to bite a person, it is necessary to rinse the wound under running water, which will wash off particles of poison from the wound, disinfect. From allergies use a hormonal, antihistamine.

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