Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Wasp sting, benefit or harm of wasp venom

Wasp venom causes pain, an allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity, in severe cases leads to death. However, doctors learned how to use a toxic substance with health benefits. Brazilian wasp venom used to treat certain oncological diseases.

Composition of wasp venom

Toxic substance includes:

  • Serotonin. Often called the hormone of happiness, good mood, pleasure. Physiological functions are diverse. It facilitates motor activity, stimulates the formation of certain hormones of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, supports the tone of the vascular system, improves blood coagulation. And also increases vascular permeability, enhances the inflammatory process, an allergic reaction.
  • Peptides. They are constantly synthesized in living organisms, the properties depend on the molecular structure. Regulate tissue regeneration, stimulate cell renewal, neutralize the effect of toxins. Peptide deficiency leads to aging of tissues and skin. Peptides stimulate the formation of hormones, regulate digestion, blood pressure, have antitumor, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.
  • Amino acids. Organic compounds support the functioning of absolutely all systems, internal organs. They are the basis for proper metabolism, replenishment of energy reserves.
  • Neurotoxin. Toxic substance affecting nerve cells. It breaks neuromuscular connections, provokes paralysis, lowers blood pressure. Because of this component, the site of the bite is numb, and with multiple attacks of insects, the motor activity of the limbs is disturbed.
  • Extracellular phospholipase A2. Enzymes that affect the state of the circulatory system, reduce blood coagulation, destroy tissue cells.

    Wasp sting
    Wasp sting
  • Hyaluronidase. Most functions are associated with the ability to increase vascular permeability. The substance enhances inflammatory processes, provokes tissue edema, swelling. However, the increased activity of hyaluronidase resists the formation of tumors, which makes it possible to use the substance as an anti-cancer agent.
  • Histamine. An organic compound that stimulates the appearance of an allergic reaction. It also regulates many biological processes. Histamine is in the body in a calm state. The entry of wasp venom into the blood stimulates its activity. It causes muscle spasm, increases vascular permeability, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates stagnant processes. It thickens blood and provokes tissue edema. An increased amount of histamine leads to increased heart rate, increased production of gastric juice, and disruption of the central nervous system.
  • Acetylcholine. Organic compounds in large numbers slow down heart contractions, reduce blood pressure, stimulate spasm of the bronchi, muscles, dilate blood vessels, increase the motility of the digestive tract, affect intraocular pressure - narrows the pupils. Such properties allow the substance to be actively used in the treatment of glaucoma, heart disease, blood vessels, the digestive tract. However, increased exposure to acetylcholine in the composition of aspen poison causes a number of side effects.
  • Hyperglycemic factor.Clinical syndrome due to an increase in serum glucose. It causes thirst, rapid urination, fatigue, blurred vision, dry mouth, arrhythmia, coma, poor wound healing, itching.

On a note!

Whether a wasp sting is useful for the human body can be answered in the affirmative if we evaluate the effect of each component separately, and the dose of the toxic substance will be minimal.

How wasp venom acts

Once on the body, the insect begins to contract the abdominal muscles, introduces under the skin the stingemits a toxic substance. Wasp venom instantly triggers an immune response. On the spot bite there is pain redness, swelling, swellinglater itching. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear completely within a week, antibodies to the poison are produced in the blood.

The consequences of a wasp sting
The consequences of a wasp sting

With reduced or pathologically weak immunity, a wasp sting for a person can be much more serious. The situation is especially dangerous when an insect attacks the neck, face. Symptoms of severe allergies:

  • edema;
  • labored breathing;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • diarrhea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fainting;
  • blurred consciousness;
  • visual impairment;
  • vomiting

In severe cases, Quincke's edema, coma develops. In the absence of qualified assistance, a person dies.

On a note!

Difference between bee venom and wasp venom in a lower content of neurotoxins. Bee sting less painful but local allergy may be stronger if not removed the sting. After the insect flies away, the sting with a part of the abdomen continues to pulsate, secrete bee venom. The wasp stinging tool does not leave, but initially injects a larger amount of toxic substance.

Deadly bite dose

A wasp is able to bite several times. And also give signals to relatives. If nearby vespiary, in a few minutes you will have to fight off the swarm. The more poison gets into the bloodstream, the stronger the allergic reaction. Fatally for a person there can be one attack of an insect, and multiple bites. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the strength of the immune system. If bitten by several wasps, an antihistamine should be taken immediately.

Danger of wasp sting
Danger of wasp sting

Benefit or harm from a wasp sting

The harmful effect of aspen poison is the development of an allergic reaction. Especially for allergy sufferers, a special vaccine is made on the basis of purified wasp venom. Vaccination stimulates the production of antibodies, reduces allergic manifestations in the attack of insects. Wasps bring not only harm but benefit.

The venom of the Brazilian wasp in Barcelona is used actively to fight cancer cells. Further study of the properties of the toxic substance gives hope for the manufacture of an effective anti-cancer drug.

Wasp venom in a minimal amount stimulates the immune system, accelerate metabolic processes, tissue regeneration. However, using this method of rejuvenation, health promotion purposefully is quite dangerous. The usefulness of a bite also lies in lowering blood pressure for hypertensive patients.


The venom of different species of wasps is different. The most poisonous are pompilides or road wasps. Their bite is painfully compared with a red ant. Especially dangerous are insect bites for pregnant women, the elderly, children. Skolii - the largest representatives of the family are not aggressive, and their bite is no worse than a fly. You can catch with your bare hands without fear of dire consequences.

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