Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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Ammophilus digging wasp

A digging wasp is an aggregate concept including about 200 species. All of them are connected by a similar lifestyle, there are similarities in appearance. A striking representative living in Russia is the ammophilus wasp. The name translated from Latin means love of sand. The largest representative of the genus is the rare wasp Sphex, in many countries it is listed in the Red Book.

Description of appearance

Slender thin-bodied insects are not outwardly similar to ordinary striped wasps. Black color prevails. The head is small, lowered to the bottom. Jaws are clearly visible, a straight long mustache. The chest is connected to the abdomen with a thin elongated segment. The abdomen itself is flattened on the sides, bright red, orange.

On a note!

Long limbs end with a special scallop, which distinguishes the digging wasp from paper, public. Transparent thin wings are rarely used. Seeing a digging wasp ammophile once, its appearance will be remembered forever. The photo is below. The size of the female is from 25 to 38 mm, the males are slightly smaller.


Ammophile is studied more and better than other relatives. Leads a solitary lifestyle, does not build tiered nestsdoes not form a hornet society from working individuals. Each female is sexually mature, living separately from others. Insects do not communicate, do not transmit warnings to each other. In behavior, the digging wasp of the ammophile is calmer, reproduces the offspring slowly, and begins to lay eggs not in spring, but in summer.

The mission of an adult is to search for a potential victim to lay an egg in it. Each species chooses for itself a certain type of prey, the ammophile preys on the larvae of scoops. Finds them underground, paralyzes into a nerve node, immobilizes. It drags into the mink, which the female prepared in advance for the larva. Lays an egg on the body, closes the entrance, falls asleep with earth.

Ammophilus digging wasp
Ammophilus digging wasp

After 3-4 days, a larva crawls out of the egg, which gradually begins to eat the victim. After 14 days, completes its development cycle, pupates. In this position, it hibernates. In the spring, an imago appears from a cocoon and crawls out. Mating takes place, after which the female begins to hunt for scoops, lay eggs. Only one generation develops per year.

On a note!

A digging wasp is ubiquitous, about 10 species live in Russia. It is found in forests, fields, gardens, gardens, summer cottages. Unique species - bee wolf, Amafen larra, ammophila, sphex.


Sandy wasp - a harmless and even useful creature. It feeds on nectar of plants, juices of ripe fruits, vegetables, water. Spends the night among grass, trees, being caught by paws, jaws for a blade of grass, a leaf, a twig. Wakes up with the first sunbeams.

On a note!

Hunting larvae scoops brings significant benefit man, because caterpillars are malicious pests of many crops. Eat stocks even in barns.


Adults fly where there is an abundance of food, as well as scoop larvae. The insect avoids pure loose sand, because grains of sand quickly fill the recently dug mink. She must remain clean until a victim is thrown there.

He loves digging wasp of ammophile light soil, convenient for digging. It contains impurities of clay, lime.Favorite places for insects are forest paths with rare grass, sunny slopes, forest edges.

The burrows of the burrowing wasp are vertical, resembling a well in outward appearance. Width up to 2 cm, depth about 5. At the bottom there is a single cell for the larva in the form of a small extension. Pebbles, large lumps of wasps brings out, folds near the nest. The insect likes to dig a mink slowly. If you need to dig a few nests in advance, it will work all day.

Ammophilus digging wasp
Ammophilus digging wasp


The whole digging process is simple, does not take much time. Jaws play the role of a shovel, paws - a rake. At the end he finds a pebble to cover the entrance. After a successful hunt, the next day it will drag a larva there, exceeding it by itself several times.

Is it dangerous for humans

The digging wasps of our area are less toxic than the usual striped insects. Ammophilus wasp bites people extremely rarely, in case of urgent need. He prefers to quietly hide from human eyes. The sting uses as self-defense, if accidentally pressed, stepped on, pressed against. Itself attack, will not bite.

The digging wasp does not build nests in the form of cocoons, therefore there is nothing to protect. Even if a person steps on to the place where the larva with the victim is hidden, it will not hurt due to its deep location.

On a note!

Ammophile does not transmit signs to other relatives, therefore there is no risk of an attack by a whole swarm.

After bite there is a standard allergic reaction, which can be eliminated with any alcohol tincture. A severe allergy that requires special treatment rarely develops. If the burrowing insect managed bite a child, the risk of an allergic reaction increases slightly due to a weak immune system. It is recommended to immediately give the baby an antihistamine in the form of drops, tablets - Claritin, Fenistil, ElTset, Diazolin. Treat the bite site with an antiallergic topical preparation.

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