Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

The most beautiful spiders in the world

The most beautiful spiders in the world do not cause disgust, fear, they can be admired for hours, even a desire arises to pick up. Bright, colorful, unusual species live in countries with a hot climate. Exotic lovers hold the most beautiful spiders as a pet, but many other “natural wonders” live in the natural environment.

Smiling spider Theridion grallator

Extremely cute spiders, absolutely safe. At the sight of such a creature there is a desire to admire it for as long as possible, to observe the behavior. The size of the animal is not more than 5 mm. Long thin legs bend in different directions, a figure appears that looks like a human body with arms and legs. But this is not the most wonderful. The body color is pleasant yellow, and a real emoticon flaunts on the abdomen. You can see round eyes, eyebrows, a mouth, stretched out in a wide friendly smile.

A photo of this beautiful, extraordinary creature is located below. Predators perceive the bright color as dangerous, poisonous, which gives time to the smiling spider to escape.

Golden horse

The same cute creature as the previous representative. A tiny spider up to 5 mm in size has short legs, equal in size to the abdomen, cephalothorax. It attracts attention with an unusual violet-golden color. The body literally shimmers in the sun.


This tiny, beautiful creature is capable of jumping 100 times its body size.

It lives in the wild, absolutely safe for humans. It feeds on small insects, caterpillars, beetle larvae.

Black Widow Latrodectus mactans

The appearance of this arthropod can hardly be called charming, it is terribly beautiful. Black Widow repels and attracts at the same time. A black body, long legs, slow movements cause fear, excitement, but if you put a dangerous creature in a terrarium, you can admire it endlessly.

The most beautiful spiders in the world
The most beautiful spiders in the world

Size does not exceed 2 cm. The bite of a black widow is poisonous, can lead to death.

On a note!

On the abdomen from the bottom side is a characteristic hourglass pattern. On the upper side of some species there are bright red spots.

Spiked orbiting spider Gasteracantha cancriformis

About orbiting they say - "unusual spiders." The animal is small. Lives among tropical vegetation, spreads its hunting nets on the grass. Itself is located in the center of the web, waiting for the victim.

The unusual shape of the abdomen attracts attention. She is not like other relatives, because she has angles. Sharp wide spikes protrude from three sides. Outwardly, it resembles an asterisk, a colorful flower. The abdomen itself is yellow in color, inside there are patterns of dots, spikes of a saturated pink hue. The legs are neatly assembled in front, and the cephalothorax is almost invisible. A photo of a beautiful spider is located below.

Mahogany Martinique Avicularia versicolor

The rating, where the most beautiful spiders in the world are discussed, cannot do without tarantulas. Mahogany Martinique is one of the most attractive in this family. The size along with the leg span is 20 cm. The whole body, legs are covered with thick, long, soft villi. The whole body is black, but on the legs there is red, almost cherry, pile, on the abdomen there are patterns of turquoise color.

The fact that the most beautiful spider is also one of the safest, and the largest spiders in the world. Martinique is calm, does not make sudden movements, does not attack, if she is not in danger.

On a note!

Spider bite by force of action is comparable to a wasp. Often this beauty is kept at home as a pet.

The most beautiful spiders in the world
The most beautiful spiders in the world

Peacock Spider Maratus volans

The size of the animal does not exceed 5 mm. You can see its beauty only under a magnifying glass. Amazing spiders have a colorful color with a bright orange, red, blue, gray, white tint. During the mating season, the male lifts the abdomen in such a way that it resembles the tail of a peacock. Somewhat similar are the movements with which the “boyfriend” is trying to attract the attention of his chosen one. Live peacocks spiders on trees, feed on small insects. For humans are not dangerous.

Metallic Poecilotheria metallica

Another representative of tarantulas. At the sight of this beautiful creature it is impossible to take your eyes off. Desired instance for every collector. The large size with a bright color makes the spider the most beautiful rare in the world. Size about 22 cm, pile of pleasant blue color, abdomen, cephalothorax with metallic tint, yellow spots on legs, back. Words cannot describe this beauty; it must be seen. Photo is available below.


Surprisingly, in a natural environment, tarantulas are capable of weave nets with a diameter of up to 2 m. Fishermen use them for fishing. Nets are also capable of holding birds that often fall prey to a large predator.

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