Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Harm from cockroaches

The appearance of these insects in the kitchen or in the house always causes a sense of disgust and disgust. They are not only able to contaminate food and human housing with their excrement, but also pose a threat to human health. Cockroaches are dangerous, since they carry bacteria, helminth eggs, can provoke the development of allergies and in rare cases even bite.

What is the danger from the presence of parasites

Finding cockroaches at home, any person becomes annoyed, because their appearance indicates an unsanitary condition of the premises. For those owners who carry out frequent cleaning, wipes the sink in time and throws the garbage out from under the sink, carefully monitors the cleanliness of surfaces and furniture, the parasites that appear immediately feel it. The quick action taken to combat them will have a positive effect - home cockroaches will leave or perish.


Their lifestyle is based on the choice of such a habitat where you can constantly find the remains of human food, there is heat in the room and constant access to water. In the absence of such conditions, parasites move to other places in search of a more favorable environment.

Signs of the presence of cockroaches

Although most people think that these are ordinary unpleasant "neighbors", in fact, their presence in the apartment is a threat to humans. Domestic Prussians are dangerous for several reasons, which are presented below.

Carriers of Diseases and Infections

Cockroaches are dangerous for a person in an apartment, as they can carry diseases due to the fact that they often move along sewer paths, basements and gutters, they do not disdain the consumption of garbage. Therefore, they are able to cling to their paws many pathogenic bacteria (32 species), 17 varieties of fungi and simple microorganisms (amoeba, toxoplasma), including microbes, helminth eggs and 2 strains of polio viruses. Pathogens of cholera, tuberculosis, and typhoid can be found in their intestines.

Cockroach disease

The most common diseases that the Prussians can tolerate are:

  • dysentery - an intestinal disease that is accompanied by an upset stomach and diarrhea;
  • gastroenteritis - the development of the inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines;
  • urogenital infections that turn into diseases of the urinary tract;
  • salmonellosis - a disease caused by salmonella parasites, leading to acute intestinal infection in humans and animals;
  • meningitis - inflammation of the meninges caused by meningococci;
  • mycobacteriosis - an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria;
  • pneumonia caused by acute infection of the lungs and subsequent inflammation.

These diseases are not fatal, but harmful to humans due to their possible complications and negative health effects.

Cockroaches - parasite carriers

Domestic insects are able to carry parasite eggs, among which representatives of helminths (worms) - pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, etc. Moreover, infection will occur only after an increased concentration of traces left by them on food.

Cockroach Worms
Cockroach Worms

The greatest danger for cockroaches for people is their habitat in places of mass cooking - canteens, snack bars, supermarkets, schools, orphanages, shops and hospitals, in food warehouses. As a result, with a large accumulation of insects in such places, an outbreak of infectious diseases is possible.


In the course of scientific research, it turned out that all representatives of arthropods have not only a high instinct for self-preservation, but also developed genetic memory, which helps them quickly adapt to all chemical and physical destruction methodsthat people come up with in the fight against them.

Danger of parasite bites and allergies

In the works of Russian literature more than once there is a description of cases when black cockroaches bit people. Most often this happened in the homes of poor peasants, in which there were incidents when insects could bite off pieces of skin on the earlobes of infants, on fingers and cheeks.

Cockroach bite
Cockroach bite

In 1960, references to cases appeared in the medical literature. cockroach bites, oral apparatus which is capable of nibbling the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which small wounds remain on the skin, poorly healing due to their secondary infection. According to scientists, such cases are associated with a lack of food and water with a sharp increase in the parasite population in a limited housing space.

Severe harm from cockroaches consists in the possible manifestations of an allergic reaction. When an insect bites, protein from their saliva gets under the skin, which can cause allergies. As a result, redness, a rash appear on the surface of the dermis, accompanied by painful itching.

On a note!

According to statistics, about 60% of patients suffering from bronchial asthma are allergic to cockroaches and their metabolic products (excrement and particles released during molting of chitinous cover). In such people, a skin reaction (atopic dermatitis), rhinitis, conjunctivitis is possible, which can subsequently lead to chronic allergies.

Mechanical harm

Cockroaches are not very large insects, but with a large population they can be harmful to things in the apartment.

They are capable of such “exploits”:

  • wire wiring inside the electronics;
  • clogging of outlets when arranging nests there;
  • Settlement of consumer electronics (TVs, multicookers, stoves, etc.) inside due to the accumulation of their waste and debris leads to the failure of devices and even fire to electrical wiring;
  • damage to the roots of books (binding binding), things from the skin, feathers or wool that cockroaches are capable of eating.

Great harm to people from domestic Prusaks can also occur in their crawling into some holes in the human body - ears, nose. Due to their mobility and small size, they are able to squeeze into the ear canal at night, while a person is sleeping, and cannot get out back. When the legs move, the walls and membranes inside the ear are injured, which causes terrible sensations and sounds “inside the head”. Remove cockroach It is possible only at the ENT doctor using special tools.

Poisonous cockroaches

Modern advances in the chemical industry in the form of insecticides and other toxic substances intended for persecution of the Prussians, allow you to successfully deal with them. However, as a result of chemical treatment, the corpses of dead cockroaches are dangerous for pets who want to taste them. Curious dogs and cats, tasting the "pickled" prusaka, can get poisoning from the insecticidal poison contained in it.


According to scientists, there are about 5 thousand cockroaches in the world. species. However, in nature, they primarily play a useful role, producing organic waste and becoming food for many representatives of the animal world. Largest representative this insect family reaches a wingspan of 18 cm, but it is not the most dangerous cockroach in the world, because it feeds exclusively on plant waste.

Judging by the data of historians, the struggle of people with the Prussians has been going on for several millennia in a row. As a result, some scientists, recognizing the fact that cockroaches are dangerous at home, offer to give the name of the disease caused by such parasites, blattopterosis (the word comes from “Latin name Blattoptera” of insects).

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  1. Irina

    I read the article and was horrified by how many diseases, germs and infections these insects can carry. Not to mention the fact that they can get into the ear at night (this is a nightmare!). Now I am even more afraid of them and have only negative feelings for them.

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