Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Are cockroaches useful in nature and at home

Most people are squeamish about prusakam and even afraid of them. Disgust is caused not only by the appearance with a hairy trunk and limbs, but also by the unsanitary environment surrounding them. Information about how useful cockroaches are in nature or in the house will surprise many.

Where do they live and what do they eat

In the world there are more than 4.5 thousand species of cockroaches, but only 4 of them lead a parasitic lifestyle. The latter include red-haired Prussians, which are found in residential and office premises in Russia, other countries of Europe and Asia.

In residential buildings such unpleasant "neighbors" eat literally everyonethat they will find. In addition to food debris, they can eat some parts of clothes, book covers, soft cover of the sofa and even plastic. The Prussians are capable of swiftly multiplyoccupying the space of the kitchen and even moving into other rooms (bath, bedroom, etc.).

The importance of cockroaches in nature

However, studies by American scientists, one of which is Professor S. Kambampati of Tyler University in the state of Texas, prove the undoubted benefit of cockroaches in nature. Based on the published data, it became clear that with the disappearance of cockroaches, the natural nitrogen cycle can significantly change.

This is due to the fact that they feed on organic residues containing a lot of nitrogen. After digestion, this element returns with feces to the soil and is subsequently absorbed by plants in the form of nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, the disappearance of cockroaches can cause deterioration of forest plantations and many species of animals that live there.

On a note!

The important role of cockroaches in nature and their benefits is due to the fact that they are nutritious feed for many birds, carnivorous wasps and insectivorous mammals (rodents, etc.). Their extinction will endanger the lives of 10 thousand species of animals that may die due to lack of food. This threatens the death of large populations in wildlife.

Healing properties

The first person to write about the benefits to humans of cockroaches became in the 19th century. journalist Lafcadio Hearn. He published his travel notes in the newspaper, where he mentioned the antispasmodic tea from the Prussians, which has long been prepared by the inhabitants of New Orleans (USA).

The benefits of cockroaches in medicine
Healing properties

A few more healing properties of cockroaches and their benefits:

  1. Chitinous cover contains substances that can kill bacteria. Due to this, in pharmaceuticals they are used as natural antibiotics.
  2. Cockroach syrup is used to treat gastroenteritis, an infectious disease that causes an inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines.
  3. In Chinese hospitals, doctors use cockroach powder ointment to treat burns.
  4. A study by biologists showed that the cockroach contains a component that can destroy E. coli, pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea and other problems in the body.
  5. The great Russian doctor Botkin at the beginning of the 20th century made cocktails with a diuretic effect and used them in the treatment of kidney diseases.

The use of cockroaches in production and in food

In some countries, local residents have learned to use cockroaches as predators that can kill other pests (moths, etc.). They are useful in worsted enterprises, because they protect woolen fabrics from moths.

Have a cockroach
For food


In Ancient Russia, unmarried girls were placed at Epiphany under the pillow of a large cockroach so that they dreamed of a narrowed one. And Mexican women catch American cockroaches, able to fly. At the next molt, insects throw off a beautiful mother-of-pearl shell, from which Mexicans make brooches or pendants and wear them as jewelry.

In some African countries, cockroaches are eaten because they contain a lot of protein. They are cooked with rice or roasted and eaten like delicious nutritious seeds. However, pre-insects are processed so that their consumption does not cause an allergic reaction.

Thus, cockroaches can still be beneficial for people both in medicine and in other areas.

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