Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to get rats out of the basement with folk remedies

Getting rid of rats in the basement and cellar is not so simple. Rodents penetrate through small cracks in the wall, doors, windows. They are attracted by darkness, warmth, food availability, moisture. Basement rats in the building of multi-storey buildings build nests, breed, live there all year round. In private homes, pest infestations in the cellar are associated with the onset of cold weather. They can start up periodically.

Basement Pest Management Methods

To get rid of rodents in the cellar, basement forever, you need to create unfavorable conditions for animals, block all entrances and exits. Inspect the room, eliminate the flaws:

  • to cover the cracks;
  • concrete the floor;
  • take out the trash;
  • remove unnecessary things;
  • glaze windows;
  • put a metal door.

The rat will not be able to enter the cellar if the room is airtight. In those cases when it is not possible to achieve such results, they switch to other methods of struggle.

Mechanical destruction

The fight against rodents has been conducted since time immemorial. The first "tools" were mousetraps, rat traps, traps. The design is constantly being improved, but the principle of action remains the same. Devices are bought or built do-it-yourself rat traps.

A trap differs from a trap in that it does not kill, does not mutilate a rodent, but simply catches. The walls are made transparent of glass, metal mesh. At the end of the structure, a bait is placed so that it can be clearly seen from all sides. Attach a thread, the movement of which closes the entrance to the trap.

Rat in the basement
Rat in the basement

On a note!

If there is not enough money to buy a trap, and there are no abilities to build, you can use improvised materials. You can catch a rat in the cellar with a bucket, barrel, deep heavy packaging. Raise on one side, stick, plank. Place the bait in the center. When the rat moves, the wand will fall, the pest will be trapped.

A trap is instantly killed by a pasyuk or pretty cripples. The benefits of the action are as follows. The wounded rodent emits piercing screams, scares off the rest. The trap will catch one individual, others will notice the danger and simply will not climb behind the bait when it is ready for use. Mousetraps act only on small rodents; it makes no sense to use them for rats.

Gel traps are in great demand. They are safe for human health, effective in use. A piece of plywood, cardboard is fixed on the cellar floor, a preparation is applied. Adhesive does not dry out under the influence of oxygen, temperature. Holds the rat, does not allow it to go beyond the boundaries of the trap. Catch on glue for rats maybe several animals at once. The more they try to break out of the trap, the more they stick.

Biological methods of struggle

The natural enemies of rodents are cats, dogs. A cat is capable of catching a rat in the cellar, which is 1.5-2 times larger than a rat. The little cat will not cope with the predator. He will receive numerous injuries.

Rat preparations
Rat preparations

In the cellar of a private house, biological control methods are rarely used. In the basement, domestic cats hunt rats with great pleasure.Dogs help kill rats when rodents exit shelters to trash bins. This is done by homeless mutts or thoroughbred fox terriers.

Chemical methods

Fighting rats in the cellar, the basement is much more convenient and faster with rat poison. The drugs act in several directions - cause severe poisoning, instant death or gradually disrupt the circulatory system. Pests die within 1-2 weeks of internal hemorrhage.

On a note!

So that the body does not decompose, does not create the smell of decay, a mummifying substance is included in the composition of the drug. The body of a dead rat gradually withers. You will have to get rid of it in the cellar by your own efforts.

You can buy the drug in Moscow at any specialized store or veterinary pharmacy. Rat poisons are made in the form of powder, liquid, gels, briquettes, tablets. The rats, ratsomor, coumarin, racusid are especially popular, Rat death.

Poison for rats must be placed around the perimeter, laid out near the cracks, along all possible trajectories of rodents. Either mix the powder into the food, prepare the bait.

How to get rid of rats in the cellar of their home, each owner decides independently. A good result is obtained by combining several methods.

Folk recipes

Home methods from rats
Home methods from rats

It is possible to remove rats from the basement with folk remedies as quickly as when using purchased poison. To do this, you need to know what are rats afraid of.

  • Ash drives the rats out of the cellar, destroys harmful insects, does not threaten human life. Sprinkle with a thin layer throughout the cellar floor or along the walls. Ash adheres to the legs, stomach, irritates the skin, causes a terrible burning sensation. The rat is trying to get rid of pollution, ash enters the stomach. An intestinal upset appears. The pain drives the rodent out of the room, repeated repetition of the situation forces the rodent to seek a new place of residence.
  • In the basement of a private house you can get rid of rats with flour and gypsum. Reliable method with minimal cost. They are mixed in equal proportions, placed in a shallow container. When gypsum gets inside, it hardens. Together with it are internal organs. To make the process faster, in the immediate vicinity put a container of water.
  • If a rat is wound up in the cellar, it can be driven out with specific odors. Rodent does not tolerate harsh odors. The rag is wetted with kerosene, ammonia, naphthalene, and a solvent. Lay out on the floor. Rodents can be removed with peppermint, garlic, and pine.
  • The rat in the basement is constantly on the lookout for food. You can treat it to a fragrant wine cork fried in lard. It should be ground beforehand. Treat the rodent. In the stomach, the cork will begin to swell, lead to a significant deformation of the internal organs, block the breath.

If the rats bypass the poison, do not fall into the traps, you can build a trap out of the water. Collect liquid into a deep container, spread straw over the top, pour a few tablespoons of sunflower oil. In the center scatter wheat grains. Substitute a ladder to the container. In the bucket you can catch the largest rat.

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