Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What happens if you swallow a cockroach

Eat cockroach
Eat cockroach

Cockroaches are dangerous insects that are vectors of serious infectious diseases. Inhabited by a person, they endanger all the inhabitants of an apartment or house. Life is full of surprises and sometimes the most incredible events happen. What will happen if you eat a cockroach: perhaps a gag reflex, psychological discomfort, the possibility of infection with a number of diseases, in rare cases an allergic reaction, the cockroach itself will be digested with other food, it will not be able to survive.

What happens if you swallow a cockroach

A swallowed insect is not an out of the ordinary event. A precedent can happen to everyone during running, laughing, rollerblading, even when talking, the bug is able to fly into your mouth. The likelihood of eating a live cockroach, even if the proper attention is not paid to sanitation and hygiene at home, is small.

In most cases, a swallowed insect is not a cause for particular concern. It is hypothesized that eaten prusak nothing more than an extra serving of protein. Perhaps this is so, but the fact that I had to eat a live parasite is unpleasant in itself. Home cockroach not very clean choosiness in food. Its habitat is far from the standard. Once in a person’s stomach, a living cockroach carrying a lot of bacteria on its legs and body can cause such diseases:

  • diphtheria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis and other troubles.


Serious consequences are possible in people who have eaten a living Prusak and are allergic to certain proteins that make up the body of arthropods.

Does a cockroach survive in the stomach

If you accidentally eat a cockroach, then it first gets into the esophagus. A person will not feel the stirring of a mustache, paws of a living parasite, but the impression will be that a piece of an unbroken apple is swallowed. Once in the stomach, the insect is in an aggressive acidic environment that can easily dissolve the food eaten. A living cockroach under the influence of gastric juice should break down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates. But the Prussians have a strong chitinous shell, which for a long time will remain resistant to digestion.

The absence of tactile endings in the stomach will save a person from the sensation of the presence of a living insect in the stomach. It is likely that it will suffocate from a lack of oxygen during the digestion process.

What to do if accidentally swallowed a cockroach

Once in the oral cavity, food is enveloped in saliva, which is an enzyme for digestion, a special “lubricant” for easy gliding along the esophagus. If the insect is not sufficiently processed by the substance, then it will not be possible to swallow a living cockroach. The body will instantly respond to a foreign object using the gag reflex. The eaten Prusak will not have time to reach the stomach and will fly out of the mouth with other food.

What to do if you accidentally had to eat a live cockroach:

  • rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • take disinfectant (absorbent) drugs.

It is necessary to respond in time to the appearance of parasites in the apartment. Modern insecticidesas well as other tricks will allow you to quickly get rid of dangerous pests. Compliance with elementary rules of food storage will be a reliable protection of a person from an unpleasant incident.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Alina

    In some countries, fried cockroaches are eaten. So nothing bad will happen, but to eat a living alive by chance, you have to try very hard.

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