Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to make boric acid from cockroaches

Boric acid from cockroaches
Boric acid

Boric acid from cockroaches is used in several variations: they sprinkle paths in places of the greatest accumulation of cockroaches, prepare poisonous baits. Crystal white powder with a bitter taste does not contain odor, does not repel insects. It has insecticidal, antiseptic properties. Boric acid is found in nature, but for domestic purposes it is obtained by mixing borax with mineral acids, in most cases hydrochloric.

Action on cockroaches

To control insects, crystalline powder is used. If necessary, prepare an aqueous solution. Boric acid is slightly soluble in water, does not lose its poisonous properties. The liquid is used for processing furniture, pouring into the gap of the floor, walls.

Anti-cockroach boric acid is used as an alternative chemical insecticides. Folk remedy has toxic properties for insects, acts by contact-intestinal route. In contact with a large amount of boron powder, the destruction of the tissues of the chitinous cover occurs, after which death occurs. When ingested, the substance affects the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis, death. The poison acts faster when combined.

Cockroaches become infected when crossing tracks of powder, being on a treated surface, eating poisonous bait. Soiled insects drag the "treat" into the nest. They feed poison there larvae, and also transfer the powder to other relatives, in contact with their bodies. The rate of death depends on the dosage of the poison.

On a note!

The first signs of boric acid action appear after 2-3 days. Mass pestilence of cockroaches is observed during the week. You can finally remove pests in a month.

How to Poach Cockroaches with Boric Acid

It is possible with the help of any edible food, but products with a strong aroma are more often used. Insects find a treat by smell, after its disappearance, the chance of poisoning the pests is reduced.

Fresh cockroach bait is placed in places of the greatest concentration of pests - behind the furniture, along the baseboards, near the bin, sinks, toilet bowl, washstand, along the trajectory of the movement of insects. Use a cardboard, a piece of plywood, a saucer, a paper sheet, oilcloth. Boron balls are formed from a solid composition, and pellets are made from a liquid mixture.

Effective remedy at home:

Boric Acid Recipe with Cockroach Egg

Boil the egg, remove the protein. To prepare cockroach bombs, only egg yolk is used. Knead with a fork, mixed with 1-2 sachets of dry boric acid. Proportions must be observed. When a large amount of poison is added, a pronounced bitter taste appears, which repels insects. Small balls are formed from the resulting mixture. This is the most effective home remedy. prusakov.

Boric acid and raw yolk

The principle of preparation is similar, only in this case, boiling the egg is not required. A great option for those cases when there is no time to bother with treats for cockroaches. The yolk is triturated with boric acid powder. Take 3-4 sachets to get a solid mass. Balls with boric acid retain their properties for several days, after which the product deteriorates and dries. If you add 2 packets of a toxic substance, the mixture will be liquid, make cakes using a teaspoon. Placed on cardboard, oilcloth.

Boric acid with egg and potatoes

To cook a poison bait, you need to boil an egg, potatoes. Crush the ingredients, mix with 2-3 sachets of dry powder. If the mixture is too thick, crumbly, add a little milk or warm water. Boric acid with boiled egg and potato has a pronounced smell, so cockroaches quickly slide into poison. It is recommended to place the balls in the evening, since the life of the Prusaks is activated at night.

Cheese balls

Poison with boric acid and an egg is perfectly replaced by cheese. Use better soft varieties. Rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with 1-2 packets of dry boric acid, make small balls.

Boric acid with sugar, flour

You can fight insects with sweets by preparing fragrant cakes for them. Sugar is mixed with flour. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. In most cases, take 2 tbsp. spoons. Combine with 4 sachets of boric acid powder. Warm water is added to make a thick dough. Fall asleep a bag of vanilla sugar. Such a treat will not go unnoticed. Making cakes should be a teaspoon. Leave the bait for 3 days, then it becomes unattractive for cockroaches.

Unrefined Vegetable Oil Recipe

You should immediately think about where to pour the composition, since it leaves greasy spots on the floor. If it is not possible to prepare boric acid and an egg, you can do with aromatic vegetable oil. Mixed with dry powder, poured into saucers, lids, left on cardboard paper. Yeast may be added to vegetable oil. Such a dish will smell stronger extermination of the Prusaks will accelerate.

Fluid bait

The cockroach remedy with boric acid and egg can be liquid if you add a little warm water. You can also make poison from sugar. Liquid boric acid is used - boric alcohol or a self-prepared solution. Boric acid can be diluted in water at room temperature. 20 g of powder requires 125 ml. Stir, add a tablespoon of honey or sugar. Poured into small containers. The baiting lasts a week, then a new bait is prepared.

On a note!

An alcoholic solution of boric acid is used to insect repellent from the refrigeratorof the table. The aqueous solution is poured into the cracks, the furniture is treated, the baseboards are wiped. The instructions for using the powder are extremely simple. They scatter the product in places where cockroaches have been seen.

Where could I buy

The tool is actively used in medicine as a powerful antiseptic. The medicine can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of an alcohol solution, crystalline powder. The bag contains 10 g. Price 30-80 rubles. Keep away from direct sunlight in a dry place.


Folk remedy acts as an analogue of chemical insecticidal drugs, but in effectiveness it is significantly inferior to them. The drug helps with minor infection of the room, at the initial stage. Efficiency increases with the proper placement of the poison.

If boric acid is diluted with water, the properties do not change, but the efficiency in surface treatment is reduced. The layer is extremely thin, so the bullying process slows down, the fight drags on. The best option is a poison bait. You can kill sexually mature, immature individuals in a few days, but you need to cook fresh dishes every 3 days.

On a note!

Boron balls can be placed in homemade traps. Make them out of a matchbox. Cockroaches like to climb into houses, crevices, so they will certainly show interest. You can poison insects with any bait prepared according to the above recipes.

Pros and cons

Each remedy has its drawbacks, advantages, boric acid is no exception.


  • security;
  • lack of smell;
  • different applications;
  • availability;
  • low price.


  • poor efficiency;
  • the need for frequent bait preparation;
  • powder visibility;
  • adaptation of insects to the action of poison with prolonged use.

Boric acid is often used as an additional tool in fight against the Prussians. You can get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies with a slight infection of the apartment, house.

Effects on the human body

Boric acid is harmless to humans, which is its main advantage. Means for controlling cockroaches are allowed to be used in a room where there are small children, pets, but in compliance with safety rules. Insecticidal substance is harmful if uncontrolled ingestion. The lethal dose for an adult is 20 g, children - 4 g.

While working with the drug, rubber gloves should be worn, the use of a respirator, masks is not necessary. After contact with boric acid, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

On a note!

A mixture of boric alcohol, salicylic acid, chloramphenicol is used to combat acne, acne. A powerful antiseptic kills harmful microorganisms, increases the protective reaction of the skin. Therefore, when an insecticide enters the skin, do not be afraid of an allergic rash, irritation.

Other effective folk remedies - analogues

To combat cockroaches use burur. A powder substance is obtained by mixing boric acid with baking soda. It is actively used in everyday life, cosmetology, medicine, the food industry as a preservative. The use of cockroaches is similar - they scatter it in the form of paths, spray furniture, prepare poisonous baits.

The mixture with glycerin is used for processing baseboards, furniture on the back, legs, water pipes, pipes, racks of sinks, wash basins, and the toilet. Borax properties do not decrease, glycerin keeps the substance in the right position, does not allow to crumble. Sticky glycerin with borax powder clings better to the paws, the body of a cockroach, increasing the effectiveness of the poison.


You can judge the effectiveness of the tool by the reviews that leave the victims in forums where the issues of combating the Prussians are actively discussed.

When I saw a cockroach in the kitchen, I immediately ran to the store for aerosol spray. Processed all those places that are recommended by experts. I didn’t notice anyone for a week, she sighed with relief. And then they reappeared. I did not see the point of spraying again with aerosol. Buy gel lures I did not dare, but I tried a folk remedy. I read reviews about boric acid with an egg on the Internet, and found a recipe there. Prepared balls in the evening. In the morning I did not see the dead Prussians, but the next day I began to notice. Poison all came out in 2 weeks.

Alina, Moscow

I bought cockroach trapsThey bypassed them. Began to prepare balls with boric acid. I tried a huge amount of recipes in a month food. To destroy a colony of cockroaches, it turned out in a month and a half. I mixed boric acid with different foods, which remained at the end of the day. Borsch, soup, porridge, mashed potatoes, salads, and much more were used.

Inna, Tver

Poisoned with boric acid, while the number of cockroaches did not increase. My Prusaks had a strong immunity to this remedy. They ate the dishes I prepared, ran along the powder, but lived.

Marina, Voronezh

Among folk remedies for cockroaches, boric acid takes first place in terms of effectiveness.To make insects eat poison bait, you need to deprive them of the ability to use another food. Be sure to maintain order in the kitchen, wipe dry sinks, bath. The creation of adverse conditions for the life of cockroaches is one of the most important moments of the struggle.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Caroline

    Modern cockroaches are so used to poison that you need to return to folk remedies and boric acid with borax. We poisoned with different drugs, nothing helped. From an egg with boric acid they began to die. You can’t call the product cheap, now eggs are expensive, and you need to cook treats every 2-3 days.

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