Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

The temperature rose after a tick bite

In spring, all nature comes to life after a winter's sleep. The leaves on the trees bloom, the first flowers bloom, the bright grass turns green. But not only the plant world enjoys warmth and sunshine. With increasing ambient temperature, various insects and spiders appear. Among them, they are actively beginning to show themselves ticks. One of the symptoms of a bloodsucker parasitism is the temperature after a tick bite. In some people, it rises in the first day, in others it can change by 14, 21 days.

What is a tick

Numerous representatives of the fauna found their home in the forest thickets. One of them are ixodic, argus ticksthat live in a thick layer of last year's foliage. It does not have to dry completely, but for the development of mites, heat is required, so this place must be warmed up.

The arachnid has a small flat body ranging in size from 3 to 5 mm, brown in color, feeds on the blood of warm-blooded animals and people. The structure of the body allows you to hold a large amount of drunk blood, increasing in sizes several times. Exhibit activity from mid-spring to early fall, but are especially dangerous from April to July, when bites are likely.

On a note!

The tick has no eyes. Even without them, he is well versed in space due to his wonderful sense of smell and touch. It is scientifically proven that a tick can feel its victim at a distance of up to 10 km.


Ticks live in forests. They are comfortable in darkened, humid places. But this parasite can also be found in the meadow, in ravines overgrown with dense grass, in thickets of shrubs. This is not to say that these are the only places where a meeting is inevitable. A tick can bite in the park, in the country, near its own house, if the grass is not mowed there. He can sit for a long time, waiting for the prey that he feels at a distance of 10 meters. It is attached to a passing victim with hooks and suction cups located on its legs.


K K tick bite should be treated responsibly. It can cause serious illness.

Tick ​​bite
Tick ​​bite

Why are ticks dangerous?

These little bloodsuckers are actually not at all harmless. Through a bite they transmit various infections. Especially it concerns taiga ticksthat are carriers of such life-threatening diseases as encephalitis and Lyme disease (borreliosis). But not even encephalitis ticks they can cause allergic reactions of various degrees with their bite. This is because the glands of the arachnid secrete special enzymes that anesthetize the damaged area of ​​the skin, thin the blood, damage blood vessels and nearby tissues, and the foreign protein is poorly perceived by the human body. Ticks pose a serious danger to animals.


Complications after borreliosis in a person can be very serious, even to the point that he does not live a normal, full life. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary test for borreliosis. At the initial stage, the disease is well treatable.

Tick ​​Bite Symptoms

Resting in nature, you need to be very careful.People feel the bite of many blood-sucking insects almost immediately, and a tick can suck blood for four days and go unnoticed. This fact is verified by life itself. If after a bite the person’s temperature has not increased, he has good health and is not prone to allergies. He may not notice the tick at all while it is on the body.

How long does it take for a victim of a parasite attack to feel unwell after a bite:

  • Usually, painful and unpleasant symptoms appear in a person 14-21 days after a bite, depending on the incubation period of the disease.
  • If the bloodsucker is not infected, the weakened, elderly people, children, as well as people prone to allergies, all the same, the temperature rises after a tick bite, and a specific reaction can occur within a few hours. After taking appropriate measures on time, within a week the body of the victim comes back to normal.
The consequences of a tick bite
The consequences of a tick bite

The main symptoms indicating that the person has an allergic reaction are:

  • feeling of weakness and drowsiness;
  • headache or dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • joint pain;
  • temperature rise;
  • burning, itching and rash in the area of ​​the insect bite.

To remove these discomfort, even if the temperature has risen, you can use antihistamines. After a tick bite, a temperature of 37 degrees indicates that the body's defenses reacted correctly to foreign biological substances that entered the internal environment. If there is a reaction, then immunity will definitely cope with the enemy.

How many days after a bite of days can I stop controlling my body temperature? Usually after 2 weeks the control is removed, as the body is restored, and the temperature drops.

But what if the individual reaction turned out to be too strong: a person began to rave, lost consciousness, he began to have Quincke's edema, which led to anaphylactic shock? In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance. Procrastination can lead to a sad outcome.

Signs of infection

The situation is worse when a person is bitten by a tick - a carrier of encephalitis or other dangerous diseases. In this case, vivid symptoms may not appear immediately, but after 14 days as with hemorrhagic fever or ehrlichiosis, and after 21 days - at tularemia.

Signs of Encephalitis Infection
Signs of Encephalitis Infection

The latent period of encephalitis can last from 4 to 14 days, not manifesting itself externally on the human condition. Then follows a sharp increase in temperature. Along with this, severe headache, nausea, and vomiting appear. High temperature 38-39 degrees exhausts, appetite disappears, eyes and muscles of the body begin to hurt.


The initial stage of encephalitis can be confused with influenza and acute respiratory infections. These diseases are also always characterized by high fever. People begin to self-medicate, losing precious time. It seems that the disease is receding, but this is only an appearance. She goes into the second stage, calm, but insidious, affecting the nervous system. As a result, the development of meningitis or paralysis. In the absence of proper and timely treatment, patient death is possible.

Precautionary measures

In regions where ticks are found, after outdoor recreation, it is necessary to carefully examine clothing and body:

  • scalp;
  • a place behind the ears and neck;
  • inguinal region and abdomen;
  • armpits and lower back.

If a tick is detected he must be careful pull out via special fixture, tweezers or threads, without leaving the head of the parasite in the body, if there is no way to do this in the hospital. Necessary send the tick to the laboratoryto find out whether he is infected or not.

A tick bite victim needs take a blood test and watch your condition for two weeks. A low temperature will confirm that everything is in order with health.

A high temperature with a tick bite in a person signals the onset of an infectious process in the body and the need to take urgent measures.

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