Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What to do if cockroaches wound up in the apartment

Cockroaches can appear in any building with favorable living conditions. Their presence in the living room is fraught with a lot of problems. Prusaki are carriers of more than 40 types of pathogenic bacteria, spoil food and other household items. What to do if cockroaches appeared in the apartment: deprive them of their food supply, use repellent folk remedies, household and professional insecticides.

On the need for action against cockroaches

One cockroach seen in the apartment is a harbinger of impending disaster. This may be the Prusak reconnaissance, which "evaluates" the environment for suitability for "settlement". Housing cockroaches are not harmless creatures. Their proximity to a person can cause such unpleasant phenomena:

  • severe infectious diseases - dysentery, pneumonia, salmonellosis and even meningitis;
  • infection of pets that can profit from an interesting moving object if a large number of cockroaches divorced;
  • spoiled food, unsuitable for consumption after a cockroach crawled through it in the kitchen;
  • allergic manifestations of various etiologies.


Cockroaches in the house are especially dangerous for young children. In certain circumstances, they may bite the skin kids capable crawl into your earprovoke the development of cockroach fear. Do not wait for the cockroaches to occupy the apartment and feel like "masters" of life. It is enough to notice one Prusak at least once every three days to begin a deliberate fight against dangerous parasites. Breeding fast, in a short time they are able to fill the whole apartment.

Signs of Cockroaches
Signs of Cockroaches

Confirmation of the presence of parasites are such signs:

  • individuals scattering in different directions when the light is turned on in the evening and at night;
  • black spots (cockroach excrement) on furniture, wallpaper, utensils;
  • unpleasant characteristic smell;
  • pests specific crunch;
  • presence of capsules with eggs in corners and crevices.

Actions against cockroaches

Cockroaches in the house will not feel comfortable if they have nothing to profit from. Arthropods prefer to lead a twilight lifestyle, in the daytime they can be difficult to notice. A proven way to see them is to turn on the lights in the kitchen at night. You can also find them by chitinous cover, which cockroaches periodically dump. You can get rid of insects using various methods. The process will not take long if the cockroaches have just begun to appear, otherwise you will have to work hard.


In rooms where parasites are divorced, they themselves regulate the size of the population. With limited access to food and a small number of places to hide from danger, the number of offspring does not exceed 25 individuals in a cocoon. Under favorable conditions of existence, the brood can have up to 60 descendants.

How to make the life of cockroaches uncomfortable

If cockroaches wound up in the apartment, then this is one of the indicators of unsanitary conditions in the room. It is very important for insects to have enough food and water. The first thing to do in a comprehensive fight against arthropods is to put things in order throughout the apartment, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. The list of basic works to protect the apartment from cockroaches includes such measures:

  • general cleaning in the room and other rooms;
  • removal of old unnecessary things from the apartment;
  • redecorating, allowing to close up all the cracks, putty and cover the existing holes, replace the skirting boards, glue the wallpaper;
  • replacement of leaky communications and plumbing.
Ways to fight cockroaches
Ways to fight

On a note!

To prevent the invasion of cockroaches will allow proper storage of food in a special container or refrigerator, the absence of food and water residues. These simple rules will become one of the obstacles for uninvited "guests".

The lack of comfortable living conditions over time will force cockroaches to leave their homes. This process is lengthy, so if there are a lot of Prussians, you will have to move on to other methods, but this rule cannot be ignored.

Independent use of various means

To destroy cockroaches, various techniques are used. Insects are remarkably adaptable to the most stringent living conditions. To completely get rid of parasites, you have to choose the most effective drugs and tricks.

Special tools

In cockroach populations, individuals appear that are resistant to almost any pesticides. Born of them small cockroaches not susceptible to obsolete insecticides. This gives rise to the search for new, more advanced drugs. A large number of various forms of modern insecticides are available on the market that can destroy tenacious parasites. Innovative formulas leave no chance for arthropods to survive, being safe for humans and pets.

Special remedies for cockroaches
Special tools

Having made the decision to independently protect the apartment from cockroaches with the help of insecticides, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly comply with all the manufacturer's requirements. This will avoid the negative consequences of pest control. For use at home, these forms are chosen:

The choice of the preferred tool depends on the consumer, as well as the complexity of the problem. Insecticides fully cope with their task, if cockroaches at home do not give life. Chemical preparations kill insects and protect the premises from reinfection.

Folk remedies

The centuries-old neighborhood with cockroaches is reflected in the search for safe methods of dealing with them. In addition to the extreme method of freezing the premises, people have found a unique opportunity to get rid of insects with the help of inexpensive, generally available means. These include:

  • alabaster and gypsum;
  • boric acid and borax;
  • pungent plants - tansy, chamomile, laurel, cloves, lavender and other herbs;
  • turpentine and ammonia;
  • kerosene.
Folk remedies for cockroaches
Folk remedies

Scroll folk remedies not limited to these drugs.In order for the apartment with cockroaches to acquire their original appearance, it is important to analyze the situation, find out the reason for the appearance of the Prussians and pick the most effective recipe.

Professional pest control

The most effective way to get rid of pests in a short time. Specialists will come to the rescue if nothing helps with the independent processing of the premises. They will select the necessary drugs, explain what should be done after pest controlwhat measures to take to prevent re-infection of the apartment. The only drawback of such an event is its high cost, but it pays off for a quiet life.

Professional pest control
Pest control

How cockroaches ended up in the apartment

They move quite quickly and are able to cover significant distances. Among the main versions of the penetration of pests into a person’s home, the following aspects are distinguished:

  • neighbors apartmentswhere the cockroaches are teeming;
  • balconies, porches;
  • walls of houses;
  • ventilation shafts;
  • retail premises located on the first floors of residential buildings;
  • the presence of water and unsanitary conditions in the apartment.

It is easy to bring cockroaches from a business trip, bring them into the house with purchases, as well as mail.

Cockroach Prevention

To prevent the appearance of cockroaches allow elementary actions:

  • maintaining cleanliness and order in the kitchen and other rooms;
  • lack of food debris on the table and crumbs under the table, behind the stove, in the cabinets;
  • timely washed dishes and a garbage bin;
  • eliminating insect access to water.

The effect of the ideal order should be reinforced by the periodic use of gels or traps for preventive purposes.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Lydia

    I constantly carry out preventive measures in the apartment so that the Prussians do not appear in the house. For this purpose I use gels and traps. I give preference to Raptor products.

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