Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to deal with aphids on grapes folk and shop remedies

Many owners of private and suburban real estate are engaged in the cultivation of grapes on a personal plot. The berries of this plant are tasty, juicy, have a lot of useful properties. During the cultivation of vineyards, gardeners have to deal with harmful insects that attack the plant. One of them - aphid. Therefore, many are interested in how to treat grapes from aphids, what means and preparations have an effective effect. Let's consider this question in more detail.


At one time, the grape was studied by the ancient Greek healer - Hippocrates. It was he who, having studied this unique plant, came to the conclusion that, by their biochemical composition, grape berries are close to breast milk. Today, for the study of varieties, classification of grapes, there is a whole science - ampelography.

What types of aphids are planted on grapes

Aphids were brought to Russia from America in the 70s of the last century. This is a small insect, reaching a maximum length of 1.5 mm. Aphids or phylloxera are a dangerous pest that can cause irreparable harm to the vine and roots. She can completely destroy the plant, so getting rid of grape aphids is necessary. Entomologists distinguish several varieties of aphids:

  • Root It affects parts of the grapes that are underground. The pest is a wingless female with a brown or yellow-green color. This is a highly productive parasite that can lay about 800 eggs. Within 8 days, the development of larvae that consume grape juice, damaging its roots.
  • Winged. It is also often called - gall aphid. It is different in color; it is orange in the insect. On the sides of the pest there are rudiments of the wings. Female aphids of this species feed on young leaves and their juice. Small growths that appear in the lower part of the leaves are laid eggs aphids. Larvae, dropping down, begin to spoil the rhizome, which leads to the death of the vine. A photo of grape aphids and its consequences can be seen on the site.
  • Sexual The life of a wingless female is only 8 days. During this period of time, she lays one egg deep in the cortex. From small eggs to the light appear larvae of males. Females hatch from large fertilized eggs.
Aphids on grapes
Aphids on grapes

On a note!

Phyloxera is spread by wind, rain, or mud. Also, aphids are able to move independently.

How and how to deal with aphids

If the growth of the plant is slowed down, the shoots do not ripen, the harvest has fallen noticeably, it can be assumed that it was attacked by phylloxera. Consider how to deal with aphids on grapes. There are various processing methods.

One effective method is the use of carbon disulfide. They should cultivate the soil around the bush. The drug penetrates deep into the soil and destroys the pest. But there is a significant drawback - this volatile liquid can cause significant harm to the root system of the plant. Therefore, the best way is prevention, which will help prevent the appearance of aphids. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • Plant mint near grape bushes.Aphids do not like the aroma of this fragrant plant, and the likelihood of settling on grapes decreases.
  • 2 times a year to process grape bushes with effective drugsused to kill pests.
  • To clean the surface of the roots.
  • Spray grapes with special preparations to kill aphids in case of serious damage to the plant. The best are those that do not destroy ladybugseating aphids. Well-known, effective tools are Nomolt 150SC and Admiral 100EC.
  • Before planting seedlings, treat them with insecticidal agents.
Aphids on grapes
Aphids on grapes

On a note!

It is necessary without regret to remove the affected areas of the bushes and fill the grapes with water for several days.


Means for the destruction of aphids are many. The following chemicals have proven themselves well:

  • Fitoverm. A popular biological product.
  • Spark. A series of pest drugs.
  • Tanrek. Systemic drug.
  • Aktara. The drug is a complex action. Quickly and effectively removes pests.
  • Fastak. Its advantages are safety for honey bees. It acts for a long time, as it is poorly washed off by rain.
  • Fozalon. Processing grapes from aphids with its help protects the bushes for a long period. It acts at low temperatures, unlike other means.
  • Actellik. It has an effect for two hours and prevents the re-emergence of aphids.
  • Kinmix. It destroys adult individuals, larvae, exerting a nerve-paralytic effect on them.

Some gardeners are wondering if grapes can be processed during flowering. It is strictly forbidden to use chemical preparations during this period, otherwise the inflorescences will die. It is necessary to carry out processing before flowering or after the brush of berries is formed.

Folk remedies

Destruction of aphids at home
Destruction of aphids at home

Since chemicals can harm the vine, they often use folk remedies that are easy to do on their own to combat aphids. Here are some effective recipes:

  • Soap solution. To prepare it you will need: 2 tbsp. water, 2 tsp liquid soap and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • Tomato leaves. They should be crushed (600 g) and boiled for an hour, pre-filled with a bucket of water. Pour a solution in a bottle with a sprayer per 1 liter 1 cup of the mixture and spray the grapes affected by the pest.
  • Ash. Aphids do not organically tolerate it. Fertilized soil repels insects. You can fill the ashes in autumn and spring. 1-2 buckets is enough. It is also pollinated by bushes after sunset or early in the morning.
  • Garlic. 150 grams of garlic are diluted in a liter of water and insisted for 5 days. Pour infusion diluted in 10 liters of water into the sprayer. They should spray the affected aphids.
  • Green aphids on grapes also do not tolerate celandine, for her he is the worst natural enemy. Insects do not like chamomile, sorrel, potato tops. Gardeners can use all these improvised plants in the fight against these pests, making them infusions.

No less popular and other folk remedies:


I use ash in early spring and autumn. This is not a problem for me, since I have a stove in my house for heating. I am very pleased with the result. Now is July, the clusters of grapes hang beautiful, the leaves are not affected by any pests.

Natalia, Zaporozhye

Near the grapes I plant mint, dill and tansy. The smell repels aphids, and attracts ladybugs, they successfully cope with their task - they devour these pests.

Alexander, Krasnodar

I make an infusion of horseradish. I grind its root and leaves, fill a container of 20 liters per third and fill it with water. It is necessary to mix well, let it brew for 2-3 hours. After that, you can spray the grapes.

Olga, Sevastopol

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